It worked (102)

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The stinging pain on his soul still lingered, but Kai didn't care. If he was going to die anyway, he could handle a little pain.

Pain meant that he was still alive after all, even if only for a little while.

Failure managed to barely deflect another one of the Demon's heavy blows with the edge of his wooden blade. The aura had successfully slowed him down slightly, but he was still able to dodge or block any oncoming blows, though some barely.

He flew backwards while some of the flying wooden weapons and wooden puppets on the ground took his place in assaulting the Demon from all angles.

Confused, Failure couldn't help but steady himself as he spoke to Kai.

"What? Kai, what don't you understand? Your soul is collapsing, you will die soon if I don't exit your body? Is that something you want, to die?"

"Of course not!" Kai scowled. "Obviously I don't want to die, I'm still young, I'm only seventeen!

"I still have a life to live, a wife to find, parents to find, a cute little wolf who is hiding in that small wooden dome to raise, so why the hell would I want to die?"

That was one thing that Kai wasn't going to get over, no matter what.

Life. Life was something that everyone got to experience, yet it was different for everyone.

Someone could be rich and live a happy and fulfilling life, but there could also be someone that's dirt poor and barely managed to scrape by day by day.

Both were living a life, but they were vastly different.

And yet, Kai's couldn't be compared to either of them as he was currently being possessed by   old knight, who's age he had no idea of, while fighting a Demon that had been created from the dark side of a cursed moon by the same god that cursed that moon.

Honestly, Kai wasn't sure if he should pity or envy himself.

... Probably pity.

"But it's not just me that has a life left to live. I mean, shit, Noelle undoubtedly deserves to live more than me. She had basically nothing, anything she got was nearly always taken from her.

I thought karma was meant to be you do some good you get some good in return, not you do some good and get absolutely bent over by fate for eleven years straight, what sort of logic is that?

And Sofia probably has a life to live, she's still young enough... I think.

Even John, that big damn softie, has a wife and child he needs to find. He has a goal set in mind and he's going to stick to it, that's what someone needs to keep themselves going.

And what do I got? Nothing, that's what."

He could have said he still had his parents, he could have said that he was going to see them again, he could have said that...

But he just couldn't bear to lie to himself.

If the other tutorials were anything like the one he was currently in, full scale wars in these kind of environments.

Then his parents were most certainly dead.

Of course, there was still the miniscule chance that they were still alive and well and Kai was just overthinking things, but Kai had already prepared himself for a possible death, so what was the point in giving him some kind of pointless hope.

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