Conscription (24)

35 0 0

Quest: Fight for the Forest

Ally with the creatures below the trees


Rewards will be decided based on your contribution in the end

Looking at the floating words before him, Kai hesitates and looks over at the man. The man, unaware of the quest in front of Kai, continues to gaze at the fire, as if reminiscing about something.

There's quests? Well, that changes things... actually, not really, not like I would choose to fight with the abominations. They were the ones who-

Realisation hits him like a freight train, everything that was just described and that is happening, he already knows.

The murals! Beautiful woman getting watched by a God in the sky, monstrous wolf fighting a four armed abomination, the abominations and the moon creatures clashing below the trees with humans in their midst. The only one unaccounted for is the person wearing the wooden armour.

Not really thinking much about the choice, Kai chooses yes and watches more text pop up.

Quest: Fight for the Forest

Allied: Creatures below the trees

Current effort: 0%

"Well that settles it, at least you picked the right option, it would've been a real shame should you have said no"

Oh... he was aware of it...

A shiver runs down Kai's spine as he watches the man way those words in a carefree attitude. The sad thing about it is that Kai knows the man has the ability to back up his words.

"But what now though?" Kai asks as he watches Failure get up out of his armchair, prompting Kai to follow suit.

"Well, no offence, but a level 11 can't exactly do much in this scenario. So it's time for a training arc, exciting, right?

There's various beasts staying around the dome, each doing different jobs and having different abilities. Since we now know the end is near, we are going to allow humans inside the Dome and allow them to train. The moon beasts will be the main fighting force of our army, humans can't even begin to compare, meaning they will be the support.

Not everyone is equal though, as some humans possess innate abilities that would make up for their lack of stats, yet only some posses innate abilities, some are just... nevermind."

Kai frowns, sure a training arc sounds good, but something he said catches him off guard.

"Not everyone possesses an innate ability? But everyone I've met so far has. Actually, maybe one hasn't but I'm not sure."

The one Kai is referring to is Beefcake, the buff dude who attacked him and Noelle along with Creepy. His innate ability could have been physical strength enhancement or something but Kai doesn't know for sure.

This time, it's the man's turn to frown. "Really? Well it's not unheard of for a majority in a tutorial to posses innate abilities, either that or you were extremely lucky or unlucky."

"A bit of both." Kai nods honestly. Lucky in the sense that be was with Noelle, who had an innate ability.

Though it hasn't been very useful recently...

And later on Sofia, who also has one but Kai isn't sure on what it is, he has a rough idea though.

The unlucky side being Creepy, possibly Beefcake, Sleepy, Camo...

Kaiser of the New WorldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon