Sharpened blade (82)

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Noelle was angry.

There was nothing in particular she was angry at, she just was.

Actually, that's a lie. She was angry at everything. She thought she had escaped the constant fighting and danger when she ran away with Gabriel that night, but how wrong she was.

It only got worse from there, and it continued to slowly get worse and worse and worse... and worse.

And here she was, fighting against creatures that shouldn't even exist in the first place. The way they look would be enough to put the creatures in children's nightmares to shame.

So instead of letting those abominations put nightmare monsters to shame, she would just put them out of their misery instead.

She slashed and sliced her way through the crowd of horrible looking abominations, her scimitar acting as an unstoppable weapon of death.

But Noelle's anger didn't lessen, it only grew as she slaughtered more and more abominations.

She didn't want to be killing, she didn't want be fighting, Noelle just wanted to be in a safe place having a normal time. No danger, just a normal, average life.

But she couldn't have that, could she. That was all taken away from her, there was no way she could have a normal life. It was an impossible pipe dream.

At least, not until she killed Rashik. Maybe then she could have a normal life. As normal as her current situation could be.

Her blade stopped for nothing, it cut through flesh without discrimination. Be it abomination or human, she killed anything that got in her way.

It's not like it was the first human she had killed anyway.

But that still didn't lessen the bitter taste in her mouth.

Just as Noelle went to cut through a crescent moon abomination that was about to try and strangle her with its tentacles, an ear shattering roar came from her left.

Expecting it to be Kai mid transformation again, Noelle ignored it and killed the abomination without hesitation.

She then frowned as she gazed down at her bloody blade.

Kai wasn't to her left in the first place, and he probably wouldn't have roared if he transformed. That seemed like more of a one time thing.

Noelle quickly shifted her body as she raised her blade, placing a hand on its body to reinforce it.

And it was lucky she did so.

A gorilla like abomination, much the same as Kai and Wa'rak fought, though Noelle didn't know that, launched a punch at the unsuspecting woman.

It's meaty fist hit the body of the blade, sending shockwaves through Noelle's body.

She gritted her teeth as she tried to resist the blow, but the gorilla abomination must've had a much higher strength stat than her.

Noelle let out a cry as she was flung backwards from the strength of the abominations attack. Her bones creaked and her arms trembled for a moment as she flew through the air. She rolled on the ground a few times before cursing and quickly jumping to her feet.

Wiping a strand of hair from her eyes, she gazed coldly at the gorilla. Noelle lifted her scimitar once more, this time knowing that an attack would be coming.

The gorilla roared once more as it began charging at Noelle, its large, fleshy body acting like an ugly battering ram.

Noelle did not react, she took a deep breath and prepared herself for what's to come.

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