Let the drink do the talking (65)

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Those words struck him and they struck him hard. Sure it was something he had thought about for a while now, but he didn't expect for Sofia to confront him about it.

In all honesty, Kai didn't have an answer. While he had thought about it, there was no real way to go back to the way things were.

Then again, Kai wasn't even sure he wanted that anymore.

But Sofia expected an answer, and since Kai didn't have an answer...

He let the drink do the talking.

"I... don't know. I don't even know if we should make up, you know?"

Kai struggled to think of words that could accurately describe his and Noelle's situation. He had never been in a situation like this, so he didn't have a clue what he should do. They were partners sure, but were they actually close?

"It's like... People. Everyone is different. They have different tastes, different personalities, different goals. Noelle and I, just don't really go together."

Kai sighed softly as he thought some more, he could already tell by Sofia's expression that she wasn't satisfied with that answer.

"Like, look back to the white room. It said we would be paired by IQ, fitness and some other things. But Noelle and I were polar opposites, it was like the voice messed up our pairing."

"Kai..." Sofia spoke softly, her voice a lot clearer than previously.

"Maybe it was meant to be like that in the first place."

Kai remained silent, thinking about Sofia's words.

"No, Noelle and I just don't work together."

Sofia shook her head.

"Think about it Kai. Look at me, how would you describe me?"

Kai froze, inwardly panicking.

"Is... Is this a trap?"

Sofia scoffed.

"No, I'm not some deranged girlfriend, just say what words you would use to describe me."

Kai thought about his options for a few moments. In those moments, he looked at Sofia and reminisced about what they had done together.

Surviving that week in the forest along with Noelle and Umbra, her nearly getting killed by Camo while in Rashik's group.

And then there was the time she saved his life, how she stabbed Sleepy when he was just about to stab Kai.

Kai shivered at the memory of that perverted bastard.

Sighing, Kai answered Sofia's question.

"Confident, kind, funny and attractive."

Sofia smiled and whispered under her breath:

"Good, I don't need to beat him."


"So if that's how you see me, what do you think my partner would have been like?"

Kai shook his head.

"I don't know."

"He was a nerd." Sofia said. "He had acne, glasses, the worst posture known to man and couldn't say more than five words without stuttering.

He also didn't know how to keep eye contact, which was really annoying. It was like he had never seen a woman."

Kai sat silently, letting Sofia get to wherever she was going to with this.

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