Chapter- 161

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I didn't mean to say it so impulsively though.

He really sympathized with someone who said that alcohol was an enemy.

I shouldn't have drunk in front of her. No, I shouldn't have asked her about this in the first place.

While Kalian was regretting it, Leila stared at him blankly. She didn't seem all that surprised by his sudden confession.

Why is she so calm? Did she know that I liked her?

"...did you already know?"

Not wanting to be frustrated, Kalian asked her bluntly.

Leila nodded slowly.

"Yes, I knew."

As expected.

"I also like Your Majesty."


Kalian, frustrated with a silent shout, then looked at Leila in surprise.

"Now... what did you say?"

His mouth went dry. He was so nervous that his hands and feet broke out in a cold sweat.

"You like me?"


Unlike Kalian, who was taken aback, Leila replied with a smile nonchalantly.

"Your Majesty, Baron Delrond, I like you all."

So, she likes me as a person, not as of the opposite sex?

Kalian felt very disappointed. He smiled quietly, covering his face with his hand in disbelief.

By the way, does she say she likes Ver and me equally?

This is kind of upsetting.

He could have made up for his impulsive mistake if he kept his mouth shut, but...

"I don't like you the same way I like Ver though."

His mouth, which was out of the realm of reason, poured out words on its own.

"I like Ver too, but I like you as the opposite sex."


Leila's eyes widened.

"What are you saying..."

"I said I like you as the opposite sex."

Water droplets on the wine glass slid gently down the smooth surface.

"They say that it is called love."

Her slightly blurry black eyes became clear.

"I love you. As a woman."

Her face stiffened. Her lips were slightly parted, stiff.

Seeing her look so pretty seems like I'm so blinded by love. No, Leila is pretty from the start.

"You look very surprised."

Leila blinked hard in response.

"I've been expressing myself a lot though. Did you not notice it at all?"

"I... didn't."

Her voice, which came out hard, trembled slightly.

"Because you were originally kind, I thought that's why you treated me so well."

"I'm kind?"

Kalian's lips tilted at an angle.

"People killed by my sword will weep if they hear it."

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