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With this much public opinion, even the temple couldn't get away with it easily.

As expected, Priest Millon was extremely helpless.

"Of all occasions, why did it happen when the Archbishop was away..."

The priests sounded helpless behind me.

Hearing that, Baron Delrond whistled softly and spoke to me in a low voice.

"I couldn't believe the Archbishop was away at just the right time. You're lucky."

"It's not luck though."

"Yes? What... Don't tell me, you know about it? That's why you decided to come to the temple today?"

I replied with a smile.

Baron Delrond clicked his tongue and shook his head.

"The Baron is more meticulous than I thought."

"Thanks for the compliment."

While we were chatting, Priest Millon said as if he had organized his thoughts.

"The Archbishop's permission is needed to bring the children into the Open Hall."

Is that the only thing he could come up with after rolling his head for a while?

It was so ridiculous that I couldn't even laugh.

"Do those children have their names on the priest's list?"


"If so, why do the children need the Archbishop's permission to come out into the Open Hall? The children are not priests, so they didn't necessarily have to obey the Archbishop."

"Right. The children are the Imperial people, so it is His Majesty's orders that they have to follow."

As Baron Delrond confronted him, Priest Millon's face was sharply distorted.

"...then bring His Majesty here."

Priest Millon said with glaring eyes.

"If His Majesty orders it, I will bring the children out."

This time, is he going to pick on Kalian?

"Don't resist, and just show us!"

"Show us right away!"

Even though the public opinion around him was so bad, he was still that desperate to resist until the end. It meant that there were many things they were hiding.

He wasn't wrong though. He had no reason to act on my orders unless I was an emperor or an archbishop.

However, I could push this far thanks to the clear evidence, which was the child, and the public opinion around me. Without these two, Priest Millon wouldn't have blinked an eye no matter how much I shouted. Just like it was in the temple of the Williot estate.

"Looks like he's trying to buy time."

Baron Delrond said in a low voice.

I silently agreed with him.

It was clear that the temple was trying to do something while we were reporting this to His Majesty and taking orders from His Majesty.

I'll never let them go their way.

It was when I was about to take out the last card I had prepared.

Step Step step step-

The sound of urgent footsteps was heard. Not just one, but many.

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