the classic period chapter

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yup, it was that time of the month I'll try to keep it clean for the male reader...Fuck it you can read how it feels! It feels like I was being stabbed a hundred times! 

As I awaited the arrival of my boyfriend, Walker, I couldn't help but feel annoyed. I was in a state that I didn't want him to see me in. However, as he finally arrived, I was taken aback by the unexpected turn of events. It was nothing like what I had imagined.

As I lay on the couch, still and chocolate-smeared, I heard the sound of the front door opening. The familiar voice of Walker greeted me with a cheerful, "HEY, LOVE!" as he walked into the room with a bag in his hand. I was puzzled by the bag, but the cramp in my stomach reminded me of the pain I was experiencing.

 I asked, "What's that?" as he approached me with a smile on his face. He replied, "Just what you need," and handed me the bag. As I looked inside, I was surprised to see that it contained pads, a cute teddy bear, a carton of my favorite ice cream, and a DVD of my favorite movie. His thoughtfulness and care for my well-being made me feel loved and appreciated.

I gazed at him intently and asked, "How did you know?" He met my gaze confidently and responded, "The way you replied to my text this morning gave it away. And it had been a month, so I put two and two together." 

I couldn't contain my excitement and pulled him into a warm embrace, cherishing his presence. As I hugged him tightly, I couldn't help but express my discomfort, "I feel like I'm being stabbed." His expression twisted with concern as he questioned, "How do you know how that feels?"

I leaned in to kiss him and then sat back down on the couch, feeling a warm glow spread through my chest. He looked over at me as he put on the movie and his eyes caught sight of my hoodie. "Is that my hoodie?" he asked, with a playful grin on his face. I couldn't help but smirk as I brought it closer to my body. "It may be," I replied, teasing him, and he rolled his eyes with a smile.

"I have been looking for that!" he exclaimed, looking relieved. I felt a twinge of guilt, but it was quickly replaced by a wave of relief as I opened the ice cream. It took away my cramps so fast that I couldn't help but eat more.

"WOAH, slow down! You'll get a brain freeze!" he warned me, his eyes twinkling with amusement. But just as he said that, my brain started to hurt. "YOU JINXED ME," I groaned, feeling a twinge of annoyance. But even as I complained, I couldn't help but laugh at his infectious joy.

"I don't understand what's so funny," I said, looking at him with a mix of confusion and irritation. He responded by wrapping me in his strong arms, pulling me close to his chest. "I think your angry face is actually really cute," he said with a grin. "And it's even cuter when you're covered in food." I couldn't help but shiver as he wiped the remnants of my meal from my face with his thumb. The sensation sent chills down my spine, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of annoyance and attraction towards him.

I settled into the soft and cozy blanket that was near us. "Okay, you win," I said with a smile. "You're lucky I'm in pain and too lazy to do anything." I tried to hide my amusement, but a small smirk crept onto my face.

He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, his eyes full of concern. "I'm just glad that I can help you when you're in pain," he said softly. "I hate seeing you like this."

His kindness touched me deeply, and I felt a warmth spreading through my body. Despite the discomfort I was feeling, I felt grateful for his presence and for his willingness to help me.

"Thank you for everything, Walker," I said laying in his arms and he replied "Of course, Love"

A/n: AWW THIS WAS CUTE! what is wrong with me I wrote this! hope you like it my little lucky clovers!!

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