riding free pt 3

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Walker's POV:

I got in the car with Y/n making sure she would be okay she had fear all over her face. I sat next to her and she noticed how I was messing with my hands so she grabbed them into hers and interlocked our hands causing an electric shock to go through my body 

"I feel like I'm spreading my worry to you," she said trying to give a smile but it faded as fast as it came up when she saw the smoke with tears forming in her big eyes

The car was still in movement but she opened the door and jumped out rushing to her horse that was getting treated "Y/n!"  her dad yelled and I followed after her "Walker!" "these kids will be the death of me" 

ND rested her head on Y/n as she hugged her horse studying the burns on the horse. She was sobbing I stayed close behind Y/n watching her hold her horse.

"What happened?'' she asked petting her horse to the Vet who was tending to Nd and I came over with concern on my face " Someone left a cigarette near hay and it caught fire, Your horse here is a hero" Y/n titled her head in confusion "There were baby calves inside and she pushed them out, which of course leading her getting a few burns" Y/n sniffed hugging her horse so hard.

 Was it wrong that I wished I was in the role of the horse? I mean Y/n's best friend/pet almost was killed Why am I thinking like that?!

then we heard a car pull up in a fancy vehicle. It was Barbie smoking a cigarette in a pink casing and Y/n saw Barbie and went over to the police for a moment. I just heard Barbie saying something about how sad this was and that she was so worried about the "Little, weak, horses" I griped my hands into a fist so hard that they were turning white when Barbie tried to pet ND.

"That's Y/n's horse and I don't think she will like the idea of you touching her horse after everything that happened and what you have done to her," I said taking her arm and making her face me "Oh, Do I know you? you look familiar" I rolled my eyes at her ignoring my statement. 
"No, you don't. But like I said you should stay away from Nd and Y/n" I hissed at her but then I heard Y/n coming.

"Stay the fuck away from my horse" Y/n growled and then punched Barbie in the face so hard that Barbie was bleeding  "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Barbie said holding her nose.

"You left evidence, Bitch!" Y/n said taking the cigarette from Barbie and pulling up a clear bag that had the same diamond casing that Barbie's had like the one you see Cruella Di Vill use.

"That is not mine! Dude help me" Barbie said looking over at me but before I could speak Y/n did "Oh, I forgot to say this, Also, Stay away from Walker, or, I swear me and ND will trample over your body leaving you nothing but a slimy bitch that even the devil doesn't want!"

 I was amazed by this girl, I mean even in a dress she could kick ass, speak her mind and make me crazy for her although we just met! I knew she was the one who was meant for me.

Barbie scoffed walking away but the cops pulled her away for interrogation, I  guess Y/n told Barbie to the cops. I heard Y/n hiss when she looked down at her knuckles "I want you to know that was the first time I punched someone" she said under her breath only a whisper.

" She had it coming," I said taking her hands and looking for a wrap for her hands to stop them from bleeding but she looked at me with those soul-caging eyes "I-I..." I smiled at her as I found a wrap for her hand.

I led her to the car and she sat on the roof of the car "I want to keep an eye on ND" she said with her eyes fixed on the horse "That's alright but I need to get your hand cleaned" She nodded and let me patch her hand up but I felt eyes on me instead of the horse.

I didn't hate it, I loved it, It was so weird to me. Feeling this way and the way she made me crush on her like that not even overnight. A part of me thought it would be a sin if I kissed her right now, it was too early and it wasn't the right time 

 Y/n pulled my chin up and locked eyes with me slowly making my chest hurt, "I said, do you wanna stay with me as I help with cleaning the old stables a few miles from here?'' I didn't hear that she was talking to me.

"Yeah, sure I would love to kis-I mean!!! stay with you" I stutter and she gives a slay smile " My dad knows how to build so we could start early tomorrow, you ready to deal with my dad all day?'' I felt lightheaded as she got closer to me like she knew she was a tease to me. 

"I can handle it..." I kept looking down at her lips but her eyes looked back at her horse "She didn't deserve this" I felt her lay down on my lap "I mean, I know *yawns* Barbie hates me but *Yawns again* this was too much even for her" she said falling sleeping in my lap. I wiped the tear off her face looking at the purple, pink, and orange sky as I sat on the roof of Y/n dad's car as she slept on my lap 

A/n: should I make a part 4? also thanks so F-ing much for all the love and 22k views! love you my little lucky clovers! 

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