Riding free/ the dinner pt 2

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Walker's POV:

I couldn't stop thinking about Y/n, and trust me I tried. I tried playing music on the ride to the summer house but each song no matter what it was talking about made me think about her. I tried reading my books nothing was working!!

I was pissed but glad that my parents brought us here but damn Y/n was just running through my head faster than her horse N.D. I was feeling as though I was going crazy.

But my parents reminded me that we were gonna have guests over so I got cleaned up wishing I could get this over with so I could get some sleep to stop my mind.

I just put on a blue sweater and jeans not wanting to put too much work into this, like I said I didn't want to do this.

then I heard the doorbell "Walker, can you get the door? I'm working on the salad" My mom said from the kitchen "Sure Mom!" I replied going to the door and I gasped hard when I saw who was at the door.

"Hey, Walker, I guess I'm your guest?'' Y/n said in this beautiful cottage dress or what you call casual flower pattern dress (U choose) her hair was curled but put up in a ponytail held in place with a ribbon and white leggings. 

"Y-Yeah...Um...Come in" I shutter and she enters the house I shoot a look to my dad " You didn't tell Y/n was our guest" and he nudged his shoulders.

I was sweating I mean this girl can go from riding a horse doing amazing tricks and having dirt all over her to being in my house looking like something you read in poems about the most amazing, stunning girl that is one in a million, No, billion!

I was zoning out from her beauty to the point she said something as she waved her hand in front of my face "You okay?'' she asked and I shook myself out of it "Yeah...Totally" I scratched the back of my neck and my brother comes in with his face looking at me and then Y/n.

"Is she your girlfriend?" he asked and Y/n gave the cutest giggle "Oh! We just met just a few hours ago" she said and I was standing there like an idiot.

"Come on guys, let's go to the back and get some burgers," our dads said and Y/n smiled grabbing my hand "I haven't eaten since dinner yesterday!" pulling me to the yard. I was hoping she wouldn't notice how sweaty my hands were.

Our parents talked for a bit as they grilled and my siblings were doing something odd but I was busy with Y/n. She and I got into the best conversation and I couldn't stop talking to her, the way she seemed so involved in the conversation and it would change ever so often and no matter what we were talking about she seemed so focused!

"so how did you get into horse riding?'' I asked and she sighed like it was bugging her "I love horse riding but when I was 11 Barbie made me mess up my trick causing me to break my arm and hurt ND and since then I've been so scared to get close to winning" I felt anger eat away at me hearing this but it melted when she placed her hand on mine.

"Your dad told me you act, how did you get into that?'' she asked so I explained like a dumb kid stuttering but making a sentence out.

then dinner came and we all started laughing, enjoying our food but when no one was looking Y/n and I would sneck notes under the table to each other that had jokes on them.

but the fun didn't last Y/n got a call so she got up stepping away, something about this didn't feel right so I got up and followed her.

"ND? Is she okay?!" she said in tears I stepped closer and I heard her sigh in relief "Okay, I'll be there right away!" she said then she turned catching my worried face "Everything okay?'' I asked and she hugged me crying hard.

"No....The stables caught fire and ND was almost killed" I didn't know what to do so I did the only thing I thought was right, I held her letting her cry.

she pulled away and wiped her face "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that" she apologized but I pecked her check blushing hard unaware of what made me do that "It's fine, I feel better knowing even though we just met you trust me" she sniffed and I went telling our parents what happened at the stables so we started heading there.

A/n: if you like this cliffhanger I might make part three

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