I hate her! My heart thinks otherwise

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I cannot explain why I harbor such intense dislike towards Y/n. Perhaps it is how she effortlessly evades consequences or how she always manages to slip out of sticky situations unscathed. Whatever it is, her actions leave me feeling uneasy and resentful.

The situation was miserable - just when I thought my weekend couldn't get any worse, I found out that my teacher had assigned Y/n as my partner for an important project.

 I was feeling frustrated and disappointed because, to be honest, I really did not want to work with her. From my previous interactions with her, I found her quite annoying and difficult to work with. Despite my reservations, I knew that I had to make the best of the situation and work with her to achieve our shared goals.

After the class ended, I approached her and politely mentioned, "Excuse me, I just found out that we're partners for the upcoming project. If we want to do well in the assignment, maybe we could work on it together at my place?" Though I tried to keep my tone neutral, I couldn't help but feel a bit wary of her, given our past interactions.

 However, she responded with visible annoyance and frustration, clenching her fists so tightly that her knuckles turned white. "Fine, whatever. I just need to pass this stupid class, so let's get this over with," she spat out, clearly not thrilled about the idea of working with me either.

let's fast forward to my place, should we?

Y/n walked into my bedroom and I was immediately filled with a sense of nervous anticipation. I had cleaned my room more thoroughly than I ever had before because I didn't want her to see how messy I usually keep it. She didn't say anything as she sat down at my desk and we began to study, but the silence between us was palpable. 

I could sense that she didn't really want to be there with me, and it made me feel even more self-conscious about my messy room. t seemed like nothing could break the awkward tension that hung in the air.

As I sat beside her I couldn't help but notice how she had her hair neatly tied up, and how she was completely engrossed in her schoolwork. Every now and then, she would solve a problem correctly and a little smile would grace her lips, making her look even more beautiful. 

It was at that moment that I found myself feeling a little freaked out. I mean, why would I find her smile so captivating? Shouldn't I think that she's unattractive or something? It's not like I have any feelings for her, right?

After some time had passed, the woman addressed me with a question in a somewhat irate tone, "Do you understand this?" Her frustration was palpable as she had already explained the matter to me earlier, and now she was forced to repeat herself. However, I could sense that her anger was not directed at me, but rather at the situation. 

I tried to calm her down by assuring her that I understood what she was saying. Despite my attempt to console her, I still felt a sense of unease that lingered long after the conversation had ended. The thought of her getting upset with me for not comprehending something made my hands tremble with anxiety.

The scene was tense as she stood up in frustration, her face a mask of anger and disappointment. With a small shout, she threw the book across the room, causing a loud thud as it hit the wall. I could tell that something was bothering her, but I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was. As she muttered something under her breath about how she might have to stay behind if she didn't pass, I suddenly realized what was going on. She was failing, and the pressure was getting to her. 

At that moment, everything clicked for me. I remembered how I had told my friends that I was a straight-A student, and it dawned on me that she might resent me for that. I felt a pang of guilt as I realized that my bragging might have contributed to her anxiety and frustration. I wanted to say something to comfort her, but I didn't know what to say. All I could do was watch.

As soon as I noticed that she seemed upset, I offered her my help. "Look, I could help you if you need it," I said in a gentle voice. However, instead of accepting my offer, she started cursing at me. Her outburst caught me off guard, and I immediately regretted ever saying anything. "Help from The Walker Scobell? The boy that all the girls won't ever shut up about? The straight A student? Like Hell!" she said, and she just kept going. Her words stung, and I couldn't help but wonder why she was so hostile towards me. Despite her reaction, I knew that I wanted to help her if she would let me.

The situation was getting out of hand with her yelling at me incessantly. I had to find a way to shut her up before my mom would come out and ask what all the shouting was about. But I couldn't think of anything that could make her stop. 

"Y/n please calm down!" I begged

She was just going on and on about how I was so annoying, and I couldn't bring myself to admit it, but her words hurt me a bit. I mean, if anyone else said those things to me, I probably would've brushed it off, but it was coming from the girl I thought I hated. It made me think about how I didn't hate her after all - I was crushing on her!

She was so angry, but I heard my mom downstairs, so I did the only thing I thought would quiet her down.

 I cupped her face and pulled her into a kiss our lips smashed into each other. and she was so shocked! but she heard my mom and just let me kiss her for a moment I felt something that wasn't hate for Y/n but joy. The way her lips tasted was like a drug I wanted more so I let my hands slide down to her waist and I deepened the kiss.

she suddenly pulled away, looking apologetic. "I'm sorry," she said softly. But before she could say anything else, I pulled her back towards me and kissed her again, this time with more intensity. As our lips met, I felt a rush of emotions flooding over me. 

I couldn't help but think about all the times I had stared at her during class, feeling jealous whenever other guys talked to her. But now, in this moment, I had her all to myself and it was the most incredible feeling in the world.

 my body yearned for air. I felt a sense of urgency to pull away and breathe, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. As we continued to kiss, I sensed a distance between us - as if she was too far away. However, I felt her hands wrap around my neck, pulling me closer, and the distance vanished. At that moment, I recalled her words from earlier - "GOD I WISH I DIDN'T FEEL THIS WAY TOWARDS YOU!" - and a realization dawned on me: she liked me. It all made sense now.

As we were kissing, we both pulled away slightly, gasping for air. I looked into her eyes, which seemed to sparkle under the moonlight, and said, "I never hated you. In fact, I've liked you since you came to school." I was worried she might hit me or push me away, but to my surprise, she responded by saying, "Me too. I told myself to hate you, but I like you too." Her face turned red, and she smiled shyly, which made my heart skip a beat. It was a beautiful and unexpected moment that I will never forget.

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