Chapter 21 - A new Mission (2)

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It was still very early, the sky still a dark blue, fading into light turquoise at the horizon since the sun would soon rise.

„Caw! Get up! The sun will soon rise!"

The screechy voice of Tanjiro's crow could be heard. Y/N rubbed her eyes, blinking a few times. She had such a strange dream last night, but she barely remembered it. The only thing she did remember was a red eyed woman with dark hair.

„Hmm? What is it..?"

Y/N's crow landed next to her futon, gently nudging her masters hand with her head.

„A new mission! People are going missing on the Mugen train! The flame pillar Kyojuro Rengoku is waiting for you! Immediately head west, caw!"

A few hours later, Y/N and Tanjiro where getting ready for their next mission. The siblings where walking through a corridor in the butterfly estate when Tanjiro heard footsteps approach. A young man came into sight, roughly bumping into Tanjiro's shoulder and simply walking away, not bothering to apologise. Wait.. Y/N knew that face and Tanjiro seemed to recognise the boy as well. It was the one they met during the final selection. The one who got his arm broken by Tanjiro.

„Hello! I'm glad you're well!"

Y/N almost flinched at Tanjiro's sudden outburst. She really didn't feel the need to communicate with the new guy. Tanjiro's words where ignored. Y/N and Tanjiro soon reached the courtyard, where Aoi was hanging up the laundry.

„You guys are leaving already? Oh well.. Good for you. It was nice to meet you. Watch out for each other."

Tanjiro smiled.

„I wanted to thank you! You cared for us.."

Aoi averted her eyes.

„I don't need your gratitude. I'm nothing more than a pathetic loser, too scared to fight again. I only survived the final selection because of luck."

Tanjiro shook his head.

„No! You helped me all this time! So.. if I get injured, I'll count on you!"

Y/N gave her a small smile before her and Tanjiro continued their walk through the courtyard. After a while, they ran into Kanao, who was sitting on the porch. The woman smiled upon seeing Tanjiro run up to the girl. It was sweet to see how much he cared for her, even though the girl never spoke. The training really made them get closer, didn't it? As soon as Tanjiro started thanking her, Kanao threw a small coin into the air.

„Kanao! Thank you for everything and- what are you doing?"

The coin landed on Kanao's hand. Speak.

„I only did what my master told me to."

She spoke. Y/N smiled softly at the scene. It was good to see her finally speak. Tanjiro's cheeks took a supple pink hue as he heard the girl speak. She had such a nice voice..

„Nothing to thank me for. So.. goodbye."

„Oh.. I.. what did you just throw?"


„A coin?"



„When it's not an order I let the coin decide wether I speak. Heads means don't speak and Tails means speak. So.. goodbye."

Tanjiro tilted his head in confusion.

„But.. why don't you just decide those things yourself?"

Kanao gave him a small smile.

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