Chapter 7 - Muzan Kibutsuji

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A/N: I giggled while writing this.. I absolutely despise Muzan but they made him so fine in the recent episodes..
Official Muzan Theme yall😍
This AMV is absolute gold.


A day had passed and Y/N and Tanjiro had finally reached Asakusa. The city was bustling with people. Many vendors and food stalls, bright lights and shops holding anything the heart could desire. Y/N looked around, observing carefully. Her spear was held in a bamboo mat sheath to prevent it from getting noticed by people. A ruckus would be the last thing they'd need. The green haired adeptus was walking next to Tanjiro, when suddenly, a man spoke to her.

"My lady. Let me gift you this! You are so exceptionally beautiful. Consider it an appreciation of a fine woman."

Y/N blinked in confusion as she looked the man up and down.

"Uhm.. I.. I don't know.."

The man was tall and had long, blonde hair as well as a shining pair of eyes sparkling in all colours of the rainbow. The man extended a hand, holding a gorgeous golden hairpin towards her. Y/N squinted her eyes. Something about him was fishy. His aura seemed malicious, almost sinister. Shaking her head, the young woman spoke.

"No thank you. I can't simply accept this. Please, gift it to someone else."

Before the man could talk more, Y/N disapeared within the crowd, searching for Tanjiro. The man from before started smiling to himself, revealing a pair of pearly white canines.

"And here I thought I found my next meal."

He let out a childish sigh before dissappearing in an alley. Meanwhile, Y/N had found Tanjiro, walking by his side once again. Nezuko was out if her box, holding her brothers hand. Y/N smiled as she saw the two, walking behind them. Tanjiro pulled up his hood, taking Y/N's hand with his other.

"So many people.. I'm not used to this. Let's go this way!"

With those words, he pulled his two companions into the next side street, eyes going wide as they almost ran into a couple that was passionately making out against a wall. Y/N immediately put her hands over Tanjiros eyes. The boy bowed, stuttering out an apology as they walked back onto the main street. After another 200 meters they had finally found a way out of the city, Tanjiro sighing in relief. Y/N patted his back as they walked towards a food stall selling Udon. Tanjiro looked pretty disheveled as he ordered.

"Excuse me.. One Udon with yam. And you Y/N?"

Y/N simply shook her head.

"Not hungry."

Tanjiro nodded as he finished his order. He and Nezuko sat on the bench before the stall while Y/N sat on the ground, legs crossed, eyes closed. Tanjiro took his Udon, inhaling the delicious scent. Just as he was about to sip the noodles, a strong scent filled his nostrils. At the same time, Y/N's eyes snapped open as she locked eyes with Tanjiro. Something.. No. Someone incredibly powerful. She jumped up, nodding at Tanjiro as she grabbed her Mask, holding it in her hand as she picked up Tanjiro. In a green flash, the adeptus teleported them to the edge of the city. Tanjiros eyes went wide at the sensation and he almost threw up, his stomach churning. He was used to Y/N randomly reappearing somewhere, but he was new to this. The closer the two got to the source of the aura Y/N was feeling, the tighter she gripped Tanjiros hand. She recalled that she knew this aura. It had once lingered in Tanjiros house, after his family had been killed. No doubt. This had to be Muzan Kibutsuji. But how would they fight him? There where so many people around. Y/N bit her lip in frustration as the two of them pushed through the masses. There. Right before them. Tanjiro grabbed the shoulder of the man before them, causing him to turn around. He had wavy black hair and his red eyes looked at Tanjiro with disgust. The mans eyes then flickered over to Y/N, whos vision was glowing dimly on her glove, her golden eyes narrowed, one hand on the handle of her spear, ready to pull it out any second. His eyes continued to linger on the golden-eyed womans frame as a weird feeling spread through his body. Was it attraction? Intimidation? No. He was the most powerful beeing in existence.. Why would he feel threatened by a mere woman with a spear? The man continued to frown at the boy and the woman. Tanjiro's hand gripped the handle of his katana and just as he wanted to pull it out, a childish voice spoke up, causing Y/N to also loosen her grip on the sheath of her spear, hand instinctively pushing Tanjiro behind her.

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