Chapter 4 - Final Selection

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A/N: Sorry for disappearing :9 Mental health go brr! Anyways! Have this chapter as a makeup<3


Y/N was standing next to a bewildered looking Tanjiro. He had made it. He had finally split the rock. The golden-eyed woman turned around as she heard footsteps approaching, the figure of Urokodaki coming into view. Y/N noticed something about him was off. He seemed sad, melancholic almost. As if he was expiriencing a sad, distant memory. Just then, the shorter boy next to her spoke up.

"Mr. Urokodaki!"

Y/N tilted her head, trying to get what Urokodaki was thinking. Just then, it clicked within her head.

"Tanjiro.. I never wanted to send you to the final selction.I can't bear to see more children die. I never would have thought you'd be able to split this rock. You did well. I knew it, Tanjiro. You are impressive."

With those words, the old man patted the his Head. Y/N looked at the old man, her heart clenching painfully in her chest. Makomo and Sabito had told her how he raised them after taking them in. How he taught them the art of the sword. And.. how they died in the end. She sympathized with Urokodaki. Y/N knew the feeling to loose her family. Silently, she tapped the mans shoulder, causing him to turn around and look at her. Even if he was way younger than Y/N herself, she still felt as if he was a parental figure of some sort. He reminded her of Morax. Wise and Merciless but also kind. Understanding. Slowly, the green haired woman wrapped her arms around the man infront of her, causing him to smile. The smile wasn't seen. It was hidden by his mask. Yet, he smiled down at the shorter woman.

"Y/N. Please protect Tanjiro. Be with him. And.. protect yourself. Don't die, golden Child."

Golden.. child? Y/N cocked her head to the side in confusion. Tanjiro nodded as he spoke.

"Your eyes Y/N. They are golden like the glow of the sun!"

Y/N's lips formed a faint smile. How sweet.

"Yes. I will protect him, Urokodaki. Tanjiro? I promise. I will protect you. Even if it takes my life."

Both Y/N and Urokodaki now looked at Tanjiro. Small sniffling could be heard as tears started to roll down the boys cheeks. Urokodaki opened his arms, allowing both Y/N and Tanjiro to hug him, Tanjiro burrying his face in the crook of Y/N's neck, his tears staining her shirt.

"Both of you. Promise me you will survive. I will wait for you with Tanjiro's sister."

The following evening, Y/N and Tanjiro sat next to each other while Urokodaki was making soup and grilled fish.

"Wow! So much food.. Why?"

You could hear the excitement in Tanjiro's voice as he spoke. Y/N herself already ate some almond tofu Urokodaki had given her earlier. The silky texture of the food making her eyes shine. It really was her favorite food. It was just way too good. Urokodaki nodded.

"We are celebrating how far you've come. eat as much as you want."

A sigh left Y/N's lips. She felt so peaceful here. She was with the people she loved. With those she cared for. Even if there where future obstacles, Y/N, Tanjiro and Nezuko would surely overcome them. Together.

"Tanjiro, Y/N.. Sadly, this is everything i can do for you now. From now on, the days will be much harder than what happened here.

"Thats no problem! I.. am sure I can make it. I promised to myself that I will protect Y/N and Nezuko! They are my family. And I will get stronger by all means to turn Nezuko back human!"

Tanjiro gave a big smile that made Y/N let out a soft chuckle. Later that night, Y/N sat behind Tanjiro, a pair of sccicors in her hand as she cut the boys hair.

"How short do you want it?"

Tanjiro looked up at her, smiling.

"It just needs to be practical!"

The adeptus nodded, his maroon locks continuing to fall onto the cloth placed below them. Urokodaki was currently folding two blue haoris, placing them down on the floor.

"Tanjiro.. Y/N. I have a question."

Y/N turned her head towards the speaking man while Tanjiro answered.


"Was.. the food tasty? Youre still growing and you need proper nutrition. The more you eat, the stronger you get. Sadly, it is the same with demons. Remember that. The more humans a demon consumed, the stronger he is."

Y/N nodded to herself. Good to know. So the demons here got stronger by devouring humans. She was sure there must be demons who where as strong as her. She snapped out of her thoughts as Urokodaki opened a shelf, pulling out a fox like mask before handing it to Tanjiro.

"That is.."

Urokodaki nodded.

"It's a mask that can repell the evil. I enchanted it so it can protect you."

Y/N eyed the mask curiously before her gaze shifted to her own, which was still attached to her belt. She would use it to protect Tanjiro and Nezuko. Even if it meant beeing in pain because of her karmic debt.

Soon, the sun rose once again. Y/N had slept quite well, having Tanjiro and Nezuko by her side. Today was the day. Her and Tanjiro would attend the final selection. Even if Y/N had not mastered a breathing style, she had showed Urokodaki her capabiltys. And the man was impressed, to say the least. Urokodaki had wondered why she was able to kill demons with that mysterious weapon and technique of hers, but he didn't want to question her. As long as she could eradicate demons and didn't harm herself, he was fine with it. Still, Y/N had not told him of the karmic debt that followed her. Yes, it was slowly fading, but it was still there. Shaking her head, Y/N took the haori he handed her, before gently placing it on the ground.

"With all due respect, i don't think i am worthy of wearing this, Mister Urokodaki."

The old man shook his head.

"No. Even if i didn't teach you something, you are part of my children. I want you to wear it."

Y/N had to hold back a sharp inhale at his words. Part of his children? Her heart was jumping with joy as a pink hue formed on her cheeks.

"Fine.. If it makes you happy.."

With those words, the adeptus put on the Haori. It did not match the rest of her outfit but she couldn't care less. It held a message. That was the important part. Walking towards the door of the small hut, Y/N waited for Tanjiro, who was currently saying his goodbyes to his sleeping sister. The woman smiled as Urokodaki reassured Tanjiro he would keep Nezuko protected. She looked at the boy, nodding.

"Let's do this."

"Goodbye mister Urokodaki! Please pass our goodbyes to Sabito and Makomo!"

With those words, both of them started running, eager to arrive at the final selecetion. Urokodaki stood there, bewildered.

"Y/N.. Tanjiro? How do you know the names of those deceased children?"


Sorry for any spelling mistakes<3 I just woke up and brain isnt braining!

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