Chapter 19 - Rehabilitation Training

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A/N: S2 / the movie is finally on Netflix!! This has me super motivated so.. here we go!!🤲🏻


Y/N had to stop her lips from turning into an amused smile as she observed the situation before her. Zenitsu was sitting on his infirmary bed, loudly complaining about the medicine he had to take. Next to him stood Aoi, a girl that worked under Shinobu. She was scolding him with an agitated face, hand son her hips.

„Take your medicine already, will you?! Out of you three you have the worst injuries!"

Zenitsu simply continued wailing, shaking his head. The black haired girl rolled her eyes, turning to Y/N.

„Just how do you put up with this guy?"

The adeptus let out a soft chuckle, her voice tinged with the slightest bit of playfulness.

„I threaten him."

This successfully made Zenitsu quiet down, but also let to Tanjiro giving her a simple blank stare. The maroon haired boy took his own medicine, downing it in one go. Just as he placed the cup on his nightstand, Zenitsu started acting up again.

„His medicine tastes so much better than mine! I bet it does! Tell me the truth! This is total favouritism! Y/N! Do something!"

Y/N simply walked over to Tanjiro's bed, sitting down at the edge. Without even facing Zenitsu, she answered.

„He's my favourite.."

She smiled gently, patting her little brother's head. This earned a pout from Zenitsu.

„Unfair! I also want a pretty girl to care for me like this!"

The green haired woman let out a sigh, turning towards the blonde.

„I doubt that will happen. Maybe you should start liking men."

Tanjiro shook his head softly, looking at Y/N.

„He's still recovering.. you shouldn't be too mean to him."

Y/N's golden eyes narrowed slightly.

„I'm not mean. I'm honest."

This earned a small giggle from Aoi, who was currently sorting the medicine.

„You guys seem to be well!"

Multiple heads turned towards the door at the new voice, Y/N's included. It was the guy they had rescued from Mt. Natagumo.

„It's you.. what was your name again.."

Y/N mumbled, before she got interrupted by Tanjiro.


Yes. That was his name. The guy smiled and waved at the four of them, his heart skipping a beat as his gaze caught Y/N's for a second. Even tho she was not the most approachable person on the planet, he found himself craving her approval. She saved his life by rescuing him from the mountain after all. Murata walked over to Tanjiro's bed, pulling in a small chair and sitting down as he began to chat with the boy. Tanjiro's face showed a warm smile as he spoke.

„I'm glad you're alright Murata!"

The black haired demon slayer shook his head.

„Well.. my body almost dissolved but your injuries are far worse than mine, right? Are you okay?"

Tanjiro nodded his head before nodding. Thanks to Y/N, he hadn't been lethally injured.

„Yeah. I assume I'll take a while to fully recover from them."

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