Chapter 10 - "Always Together. "

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Im back im alive and I am a walking mosquito bite. Im allergic to those little shits and obv they didn't spare me. Also, my mothers boyfriend has a 5 y/o with him and good lord.. I was about to sacrifice him to the mosquitos. He kept on yapping and whining whenever something didn't go his way.. Boy am I glad that mine isn't five anymore. (For clarification I do NOT have a son I am talking about my brother) (I lied I have a Son its Muichiro) Anyways! Enough on my part, lets head back into the story!


"Y/N! Lady Tamayo! She's awake!"

Those shouts belonged to Yushiro. Tanjiro slowly descended down the staircase to the basement, smiling as he saw to familiar people happy and healthy.

"Nezuko! And Y/N! You're awake! Your wounds.. They're gone!"

Y/N nodded, a small smile creeping onto her lips as she touched her shoulder, the wound now fully closed, another scar on her pale skin. The girl looked at Tamayo, her smile widening as she gave a grateful nod.

"Thank you for caring for my wounds, Lady Tamayo."

Said woman looked away, her cheeks reddening slightly as she felt rhe adeptus golden eyes on her.

"Please.. It was nothing.. Just my duty as a doctor."

Y/N turned towards Yushiro, who was staring at her with an irritated look. Just as they locked eyes, Yushiro looked away as well. Y/N chuckled lightly before following Nezuko, who had walked up to her brother in the meantime, hugging him tightly. The green haired woman opened her arms, letting the siblings hug her as well. Just as Y/N opened her arms, Nezuko ran over to Tamayo, hugging her tightly. Y/N, caught a little of guard, immediately frowned as Yushiro started yelling at Nezuko.

"What are you doing to Lady Tamayo?! This is outrageous!"

"Calm down. It's fine.."

Tamayo appeased as she softly patted Nezuko on the back. Y/N stood next to Tanjiro, eyeing him in worry.

"You look.. Disheveled. Hurt, even. What happened?"

Tanjiro let out a sigh as he started explaining the earlier events. Y/N's hand curled up into a fist as he mentioned that they where attacked by demons, send out by Muzan Kibutsuji. That bastard. First, he kills Tanjiros family and many others and now he sends assasins after them? Y/N hissed angrily.

"Just you wait Kibutsuji. I'll mess you up. Badly."

Her frown lifted as she felt a hand pat her shoulder. Looking to her side, she raised a brow as she realized who the hand belongs too. It was.. Yushiro? Y/N raised an eyebrow as the green haired demon spoke.

"Y/N.. Uhm.. I am sorry. When you left with Lady Tamayo.. I called you ugly behind your back."

A flush could be seen on his cheeks.

"I.. I lied. I don't actually think you're ugly. It's just I-"

Y/N let out a deep sigh, before laughing out. Tanjiros eyes widened as he watched the scene. Y/N was.. Laughing? That never happened before. In those 2 years they've had known each other now, Y/N never once laughed out loud. Not once. The adeptus eyes shut as she giggled in a childish manner, her laugher subsiding.

"Oh boy.. Yushiro. It's all fine. My appearance doesn't bother me one bit. And even if it did.. The opinion of someone I barely know doesn't matter. Not to offend you, of course."

She gave the demon a smile and nodded.

"No offense taken. But I may have also called Nezuko ugly.."

Conqueress of Demons - KnY x fem! Xiao ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now