Chapter 8 - The fascinating scent of Blood

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A/N: I have the biggest headache rn omg it feels like my skull is beeing crushed🤞
I also have some art in progress but that'll sure take a while lmao..


Just as Y/N was about to hit the man grabbing Tanjiro, a number of colorful flower patterns appeared in the air, floating between the police officers. The light smell of flowers filled the street as the floating ornaments continued to shine. They moved between the policemen and the two demon slayers, blocking their view. Confused voices could be hear.

"Where are these patterns coming from? What is this? I can't see anything!"

Y/N looked around, equally as confused as Tanjiro, who looked around alarmedly. Where they beeing attacked? Y/N was wounded! And they had to take care of the man that turned into a demon! Footstels approached them, a beautoful woman with black hair and gorgeous violet eyes standing before them, behind her a young man with light green hair that had black tips, his eyes also purple. The woman soon spoke in a soft voice.

"How interesting.. Even tho he's a demon.. You two still protect him like he's human. That's why I deceided to help you out."

Y/N frowned as she stood before Tanjiro, protectively extending her arm, golden eyes locking with the womans.

"You're a demon."

Y/N couldn't deny that the woman in front of her was exceptionally beautiful, yet she kept her gaze locked on the guy behind her, since he seemed more likely to attack them.
The woman gave Y/N a gentle smile.

"Yes. I am a demon. But, first and foremost, I am also a doctor and it is my duty to help people. It's my goal to eradicate Muzan Kibutsuji."

Y/N raised a brow before nodding at Tanjiro. She trusted them for now. Even if they tried something, she would surely keep Tanjiro safe. A few streets further stood Muzan Kibutsuji. Before him his wife, holding his young daughter. Behind them was a car with a private driver, waiting for them to enter.

"But Daddy! Won't you come with us?"

Muzan gave a smile to the child.

"Daddy has to work my darling. A business partner is waiting for me. The chaos from before just doesn't let me rest either."

His wife smiled.

"Take care, Darling!"

Muzan nodded.

"Don't worry. I'll check with the police later."

After some more sappy goodbyes, Muzan turned around, walking into one of the dark side streets. The image of the young woman with the golden eyes was burned into his mind. The way she had looked at him when she cut his cheek. The coldness in her eyes. The demon frowned. She would surely make an incredible demon. A woman of her beauty would make an exceptional wife too. A light grin spread over his face. Maybe he could pursue her by killing the boy she was with.. He would do that anyways. The boy.. The boy with the hanafuda earrings. How he loathed the sight of them. His hands clenched into fists as he recalled the memory of the one who had once worn them too. The man who almost managed to kill him.
Yoriichi Tsugikuni. Even thinking of the name raised ghosebumps on his skin. Scoffing, Muzan snapped out of his thoughts as a short man, who seemed to be drunk, bumped into him.

"What do you want Asshole?"

The man slurred. Muzan payed him no mind as he excused himself.


As he tried walking away, the man grabbed his shoulder. Seriously, he was really asking for it. Deciding to hold back, Muzan tried ignoring the man.

"Hey! Wait!"

Muzan took a deep breath.

"Sorry, but I am in a hurry."

The man grinned as he came closer to Muzan.

"What are you saying? Look at you! Wearing expensive clothes huh? Do you think you're better than me? You're as pale as a corpse! Looking like you'd die any second now!"

The man giggled. Muzan turned his head, eyes wide with rage. How dare he. How dare he insult him. The man started waving his hand infront of Muzan, hiccuping.

"Hello you weirdo? Anyone home?"

Muzan raised his fist, smashing it against the mans face, sending him crashing into the next wall, causing blood to spurt out of his body. The woman that was sith him screamed, the taller man with them yelling

"What are you doing to my Brother?!"

The man raised his fist, ready to hit Muzan. The demon scoffed, raising his leg and kicking the man into the jaw, sending him flying upwards. He crashed down again, a blood puddle forming around his now dead body. The woman screamed louder this time, staggering backwards until her back met the wall. Muzan knelt down, facing her.

"Say.. Does my face look pale to you? Sickly? As if I'd die any minute? Do you think.. She would say that too?"

The woman shook in fear.

"No.. No, no, no. I am the epitome of perfection."

He raised his finger, one of his nails turning into a blue, claw like shape. Muzan pointed his finger at the womans forehead, piercing it into her flesh.

"Do you know what happens if I give you a large amount of my blood? Your fragile human body can't handle the quick change. Every last cell.. Will burst."

Muzan let out a dark chuckle as the womans body started convulsing and ended up as a slimy, steaming mass on the ground. Snapping his fingers, two demons appeared behind Muzan.

"Bring me the head of the boy with the hanafuda earrings and the girl with the golden eyes. Do not harm her. I want her alive. Have I made myself clear?"

The two demons answered in unison.

"Yes Master."

Meanwhile, Y/N and Tamayo, that was the demoness, had rerurned to her estate. Her servant, which she revealed to be named Yushiro, Tanjiro and Nezuko weren't there yet. Y/N was laying on a mat on the floor, while Tamayo was stitching her wound.

"Y/N.. You're not exactly human, are you? Your blood? It has a sweet smell. Even I, as a demon who craves almost no human blood and flesh, can't help but salivate.. I don't want to peek into your personal history but.. What are you, exactly?"

Y/N let out a sigh. She was tired and drained from the anemia her body was experiencing.

"I.. Let's just leave it at that. I am not human. I am no demon either."

Tamayo nodded.

"Of course. But.. Would you grant me permission to examine your blood? I'd just need a small sample. Do you think your body can take that?"

Y/N chuckled dryly.

"It's just a small wound. It'll heal. And yes, you may take my blood."

Her lids started feeling heavier. She felt safe with Tamayo, so she deceided to close them, giving her body the much needed rest, slowly drifting off into dreamland.



A shorter chapter.. I'm much too lazy to write the next fight and I want Tanjiro and Nezuko to have ✨character development✨ so why not let Y/N sleep until her wounds are healed? (That takes a good day💀)

Conqueress of Demons - KnY x fem! Xiao ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora