Intermission: Bloody flower petals

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A/N: Flower petals heh😈 Anyone gets it? A little more backstory on Y/N and her death. Time to cut some Onions. Best listen to the song above<3 (Let you break my heart again - Laufey)

Warnings: Small Archon Quest Story Spoiler (Sumeru, Liyue, Mondstadt), Major Character Death, Graphic description of violence, Unrequited love (😘)


It was peculiar, really. A woman who hadn't loved ever in her long life had learned to love someone. And that someone was the traveller. Aether, the Hero of Mondstadt, savior of Liyue, Inazumas resistance warrior. Loved and admired by many, he was the one Y/N's heart longed for. The woman first met the Traveller when he came to Liyue, looking to meet Rex Lapis. They met in Wangshu Inn, the place Y/N usually resided at. He had searched her out to report the death of Rex Lapis to her. He even had a sigil of permission with him back then. A smile made it's way onto Y/N's lips as she recalled their meeting, yet, sadness was evident in her gaze. She sat on the reiling of Wangshu Inn, gazing up at the night sky. The traveller was currently in Inazuma, the land of eternity. A sigh left her lips as she remembered what he told her before he departure.

"Don't worry Y/N! Once the Qinxing blooms, I will be back to visit the flower fields with you, I promise."

The adeptus eyes clouded over as she thought about Aether. He was one of the few people in her life that genuinely showed her kindness. Someone who was willing to be her friend. Her friend.. A painful ache formed in Y/N's chest as she thought about the term. A friend, huh?

"Y/N! You're an amazing friend. You've helped me so much. I just hope that I can repay you somehow. Would you like me to make you some almond tofu?"

A bitter chuckle left her lips as she basked in the faint glow of those memories. Her hands formed fists as she overheard a conversation of the people on the floor below on the floor below her.

"Qinxing season will be soon, no? Here in Liyue it's tradition to confess while those flowers bloom! I just cannot wait to visit the fields with my darling! Ten years ago, he confessed there and here we are. Happily in love!"

Salty tears pricked up in her eyes as her nails dig into her palm, her hand clenched into a fist as the tears started flowing down her cheeks. Y/N's grip loosened as she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"What could trouble you on such a beautiful night, my little Glaze Lily?"

Turning around, Y/N was met with a knowing smile. It was Mora- no. It was Zhongli. A sigh left her lips as she looked at the tall man before getting up and walking towards him. She bowed her head in respect, upon which he let out a soft laugh.

"No need for the formalities. I am not the Geo Archon anymore, am I? For now, I am just an ordinary citizen of Liyue, asking a young woman why she is crying."

Y/N bit her lip, trying to hold back her tears. As she spoke up, her voice was shaky. Looking up, she was met with a gentle gaze.

"Morax.. May I ask something?"

"Of course. Ask away, Y/N."

The woman took a shaky breath and looked at him, small tears still dribbling down her cheeks.

"Why do people fall in love?"

Zhonglis smile never faltered, yet his eyes held a sad look in them.

"It's the Traveler, isn't it? Well.. Love is a beautiful thing. When a love blossoms between two people, it's a wonderful bond. Yet, love can also be fleeting and fragile. Love is exposing your weakest parts to someone and then begging to the heavens that they won't leave you. Love can be.. unrequited as well. I assume that's the case here, guessing from your tears?"

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