Chapter 14 - Moonshine

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A/N: 🌙 🫶🏻


It was quiet. Some small animals where rushing into the bushes, startled by the noise of Y/N's walking. She was still wearing the grey yukata from earlier, her spear and mask where still in the wisteria estate. The only thing she had brought with her was the glove holding her vision. The path she was following was littered with small trees and flowers, blooming in all sizes and colours. Y/N's features, illuminated by the moonlight falling through the tree branches, softened as she reached a small lake. Small ripples could be seen on the surface from time to time, the image of the full moon reflected in the water making her lean down to look at the water. Nights like these where Y/N's favourite. Y/N was by no means a lonely person, she had Tanjiro and Nezuko after all. Yet, as she stared at her reflection on the waters surface, she couldn't help but feel distant from everyone here. She wasn't from this world. She wasn't reborn to live here. She was simply there. Alive and breathing in this other world. She had gotten used to it. To the way people dressed and spoke. To their customs and mannerism's. Looking up from her reflection, her golden eyes widened. Small lights where floating in the air all around her, moving with the soft breeze. Fireflies. A smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she raised her head to look at the night sky. Breathing in deeply, Y/N enjoyed the feeling of the cold night air filling her lungs. Slowly, she got onto her knees before laying down on the soft grass, gazing up at the night sky. The sky was clear, no cloud in sight. Just the moon and the stars. The woman had always liked the stars. They seemed so close, yet so far. Back in Teyvat, there was a saying.

„In Teyvat, the stars in the sky will always have a place for you. But.. what about the moon? It must be so jealous of the sun.. the sun shines during the day, where people admire it. And the moon, it only shows itself at night when everyone sleeps, never beeing recognised for its true beauty."

She spoke, voice but a faint whisper. Y/N smiled at her own childish words. She never would've thought she would be able to be this poetic. She almost reminded herself of a bard she knew in her old life. Suddenly, a presence could be sensed. The woman raised an eyebrow, standing up from her position on the grass. Was it a demon? She had walked a few kilometres away from the wisteria estate so it was possible. Observing her surroundings, Y/N's gaze fell upon a tall figure, face hidden by the shadows of the trees. Their aura was mysterious, ominous even. They seemed strong as well. Cursing herself mentally for not bringing her weapon, the adeptus scrunched her eyes, trying to get a better view of the persons face but to no avail. The more she looked at the stranger, the more they reminded her of someone she knew. They where quite similar to a certain man she had met in a dream. Long, dark brown hair that had a reddish hue to it, tall statue and a purple and black patterned kimono. The stranger turned around before they started speaking.

„You. What you said.. about the moon. Do you really believe it?"

The voice that spoke up was deep, deeper than how she remembered Yoriichis. Y/N's face held a weary look as she observed the stranger, recalling Yoriichis words. Could this be Michikatsu Tsugikuni? If this person was really Yoriichi's so called brother, how would Y/N confront him? Just walk up to him and start saying things like: „Oh yeah you don't know me but I had a dream in which your brother showed up and he told me to save you from Muzan Kibutsuji." Y/N let out a soft sigh before answering.

„I don't usually have people listening to me like this. But yes, I meant it. Even tho it sounds.. childish."

The stranger spoke up again, still not turning around. His long hair was bound up into a ponytail, in almost the same style Yoriichis was wearing it in her dream.

„It's naive to think that the moon could ever surpass the sun. The moon will always live in the suns shadow. The sun is brighter. The sun can burn and give life. What can the moon do?"

Y/N tilted her head to the side at the strangers question, some green locks falling into her face as she stood up, careful not to slip. Her gaze never left the unknown man. Something about the way he spoke, it sounded numb. Like all joy had been taken from him. Her voice was quiet as she spoke up again.

„Personally.. I like the moon. It makes me feel at peace. Calm. It has always been there, silently watching over the people as they sleep. But.. You don't seem to like the sun very much.. Why is that?"

The stranger kept quiet. Y/N's hand balled into a fist as she watched him turn around. If that figure really was Yoriichis brother, Michikatsu, then the answer was quite obvious. Demons couldn't enter the sunlight. They could only watch from the shadows, since the sun would burn their body to ashes. Her eyes widened slightly as she took in the strangers face. He had pale skin, flame like birth marks on his left temple and neck. But his most noticeable feature where his eyes. His six eyes, to be specific. Three pairs of golden eyes stared back at Y/N. Engraved into the irises of the middle pair, where the kanji for the words ‚Upper One'

„Your view on things.. it's naive. But that doesn't matter. You will die anyways.."

The demons hand wandered down to the handle of his katana. Just as he was about to grip it, her voice made him stop in his tracks.

„Michikatsu Tsugikuni. That's you, no?"

The demons eyes widened. Just how could this woman possibly know this name? The one he had cast away so long ago? Was she a demon as well? No. He would have known from the start. But she didn't smell like a human. She smelled better. Way better. That was what led him here in the first place. Just what was she? The demon grabbed his katana, unsheathing the blade and pointing it at the woman.

„Michikatsu Tsugikuni is dead."

With those words, the demon dashed forward, intending to cut of the woman's head. Somehow, something inside him told him to have mercy, to spare her. These feelings, he hadn't felt them in a long, long time. Ever since he became a demon, in fact. Just as his blade was about to connect to her neck, a green light flashed and the woman disappeared in a flash, leaving nothing but a bit of pressed down grass where she stood before. His brows furrowed as he realised she was gone. What a strange power. He let out a hum, putting his katana back into the sheath. He would leave for now. But his interest was piqued. Shaking his head, Kokushibo decided to leave the situation alone for now. He'd just find another meal. Meanwhile, Y/N reappeared in front of the bedroom the three boys where sleeping in, a sigh leaving her lips. That demon.. Michikatsu- No. Kokushibo. He was fast. He almost managed to strike her. Shaking her head, Y/N's eyes widened as she saw the elderly lady stand in the corridor. She just gave Y/N a gentle smile and spoke up.

„I have seen nothing. Now please go to sleep my dear. You need the rest. Beeing a demon slayer isn't easy after all!"

Y/N nodded, sliding the door open as quiet as possible, not wanting to wake the sleeping teenagers. As she laid down on her futon, she heard Tanjiro shifting in the futon next to her. He turned towards her, a sleepy smile forming on his face, eyes half lidded and voice laced with fatigue.

„Y/N.. you're back.. I was worried.."

The woman smiled gently. Before she could answer, Tanjiro had already fallen asleep again. She bit her lip in frustration, trying to shake off the thoughts invading her mind. How could she possibly get stronger? She needed to be strong enough to protect Nezuko and Tanjiro. And after the earlier events.. Zenitsu as well. And just maybe, Inosuke too. And what did the words in his eyes mean? Upper one? Was he one of the demon moons? He had to be. Otherwise he wouldn't have been that fast. Soft footsteps could be heard for a second before Y/N felt a smaller body cuddle up against her own, big pink eyes looking at her own in the dark. The older woman let out a small chuckle, pulling the younger against her chest, placing the blanket over both of them.

„Good Night, Nezuko."

With those words, Y/N closed her eyes and slowly drifted off into a dreamless sleep, anticipating a new morning. A new sunrise.


A/N: Honestly I feel so bad for Koku :( let's hope Y/N liking the moon has made him a little less depressed 🫶🏻 (he's MILF) (Man I'd Like to get a therapist For) Sleep well you guys! I love you all dearly💕

-> Not proofread, my apologies for any spelling or grammar mistakes!

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