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Kairo had been in the hospital for a week, recovering. They were able to keep him stable and he was supposed to be coming home today. Sevyn had been spending the night at the hospital with Kairo, some nights when she could, considering she had a 7am class some mornings. They mostly just vibed while she was there. Kairo tried to apologize for what she saw at the restaurant that night but she told him it wasn't the right time to talk about it and that they could talk about it when he wasn't in the hospital anymore.

Sevyn stepped off of the bus as close to Kairo's house as she could get. She looked around the unfamiliar streets as she put Kairo's address in her gps. She had no clue where she was. She probably should've paid attention to her surroundings when they drove here all the time but she didn't. She pressed the walking mode on the gps and it said she was about 15 minutes in walking distance away. Sevyn walked all the time so walking didn't really bother her.

She finally got to his house and walked down the long gravel road, coming up to his door. She knocked on it and after awhile of no answer, she sat down on the porch and waited. She figured he wasn't there yet. She didn't know how he was getting home because his car was completely totaled but she figured he'd ask Derrick or something. She saw an unfamiliar car coming down the gravel road and park in front of the house. She figured it was Kairo. She was right as she heard him say, "Preciate it, Trey. Be safe." as he stepped out of the car. The car sped off down the street and they locked eyes as he was walking up to the house.

"How you get here, mama?" He asked, looking concerned.

"The bus." He leaned down to hug me and I hugged him back.

"A bus come out here?"

"It dropped me off like 15 minutes away. I walked the rest of the way."

"You walked?"

"Yeah I'm used to walking. It was nothing."

Kairo stared at me. "Don't do that again. It's crazy out here. Come on." He said, handing her the house key so that she could open the door. She helped him up the stairs and used the key to unlock the door. She stepped in with Kairo behind her.

"You need help with anything?" I asked as he closed the door and walked to sit on the couch.

"Not right now mama, can we talk now?"

"That's why I'm here, Kairo. Let's talk." I said, sitting down on the same couch he was sitting on, leaving some space between us.

He smacked his teeth. "Why you all the way over there?"

"Talk, Kairo." Was all I said, ignoring his question. He smacked his teeth again but he began to talk.

"Shay is my ex, Sevyn. We dated in high school. She slept with my bestfriend, I broke up with her and haven't seen her since. I was chilling at the club the same night you was fighting, she came over into my section apologizing and shit for what she did but I swear I aint pay her no mind. I was paying attention to you the whole time. I was there the whole time, you just ain't see me. I turned her down and the night we were at the restaurant I swear I didn't know she was there. I didn't even know how she knew we were there. She came and sat beside me while you was in the bathroom and I swear on everything she kissed me. I pulled away and told her ass she was on one, then I went to find you but you wasn't anywhere so I figured you left which you did. I came to your dorm right and that was that Sevyn. I don't want shit to do with that girl, I swear I just wanna be with you." I could hear the sincerity in his voice as he spoke and even see it in his eyes. It genuinely looked like he was telling the truth but I've been lied to so much by Derrick that it was hard to believe men sometimes. I sighed, not knowing what to say.

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