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Sevyn's long black 28" lace front blew in the wind as she sat on the curb smoking a blunt. Cars kept passing by honking at her, and she just rolled her eyes. Everyone was normally mesmerized by her beauty so she normally didn't pay it any mind. It was 3 pm on a Saturday and she was tired of sitting in that dorm room, looking at pictures of her mother, just praying she'd call her or wake up and everything would be a dream but the truth was that her mother was gone. Cancer took her mother away from her, and she was all alone in this world.

Tears began to roll down her face as she flicked the ashes from her blunt into the street. Smoking weed was a habit that Sevyn picked up after her mother died. It was a way for her to cope. She didn't feel anything when she was high, and that's exactly how she liked it.

Finishing up her blunt, and putting it out, Sevyn wiped the remaining tears from her eyes as her cell phone began to ring. She tapped twice on her left airpod in her ear to answer the call. "Hello." she managed to choke out.

"What you doing, ma?" she frowned at the sound of her boyfriend, Derrick on the other line. She and Derrick had been together for 3 years now, but it wasn't like she was happy. For the first year of their relationship, he was actually a "perfect" boyfriend. He didn't call her out of her name, he spoiled her, and he was a gentleman. Things got a little rocky when Sevyn's mother passed away, and Sevyn was finally on her own. Derrick got super demanding and even physically abusive. He had some sort of hold on Sevyn though and for some strange reason, she couldn't let him go.

Sevyn sighed, "Nothing." she replied dryly.

"You must be with another nigga or something? What's the attitude for?" He spat back.

Sevyn wasn't in the mood to get hit or argue with him today. She knew he probably wanted to have sex, that was the only reason he would call her these days. He never even gave a fuck to ask how she was feeling, it was only about sex with him and he was literally draining her. "What do you want?"

"I wanna see you, ma. I'm on the way to get you now, I'll be there in 7 minutes love."

Sevyn rolled her eyes as if he could see her, "Just let me know when you get here." She hung up. Sevyn honestly didn't mind having company right now, even though she wished it wasn't his company. She didn't feel like being bothered with Derrick but at least he would feed her and fuck her good.

After waiting for what seemed longer than 7 minutes, Derrick pulled up and honked the horn right before he spotted Sevyn outside of her dorm room. She walked over to the car and got in the passenger seat, putting her seatbelt on. She put on a fake smile and leaned in to kiss Derrick.

He looked at her with lust in his eyes, "Come give me some head baby."

Sevyn rolled her eyes as he slid his pants and his boxers down and Sevyn already noticed that he was aroused. This was normal for them these days. He treated her so much like a slut instead of a girlfriend, and in some twisted sick way she enjoyed how he still made her feel. Sevyn put her mouth on his dick and began to give him what he asked for. She looked up at him as he threw his head back and started to moan, pushing Sevyn's head down further on his dick. "That's it bitch." He played in her hair as she began to please him just like he liked. They were still sitting in front of her school but she was glad he had tinted windows and no one could see in.

Sevyn lifted her head up as he pulled on her face, letting her know he wanted her to get up. "Hold on baby. We need some privacy."

Derrick put the car in drive and sped off down the road while he still had his dick out, driving with one hand and jerking it with the other. I knew we weren't going to Derrick's house because I'd actually never been there. He moved to Atlanta when he found out I'd be going to college out here, but it wasn't until after I was situated that he chose to move so I had no clue where he lived and I had no clue why he kept where he laid his head away from me. Derrick is older than me by 2 years but it just seemed like he had his life together. He had his own car, his own apartment and even could afford to splurge on me, not that I asked for much but he just loves spoiling me. There's no secret that he sold drugs and that's probably why he was maintaining right now but I don't know, it just seems like when I lost my mom I lost my motivation to even do better in life and sometimes it hurts because I feel like I'm so out of Derrick's league because of the things he has. Normally we would fuck in his car or he'd get us a room but when I'd ask why we couldn't go to his house, he would always try to change the subject. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he had another bitch living there. It wasn't like I hadn't caught him with other women before.

Derrick pulled into a small motel and turned the car off. He pulled his pants up, and told me to "come on" as he stepped out the car and locked it. He walked me to a room and used the key to get in, closing the door behind us. He couldn't wait to get inside because as soon as we were inside he led me over to the bed and pulled my pants down. He laid me back on the bed and used his tongue to push my panties to the side.

I gasped when his tongue touched my clit as he began to please me. I couldn't lie, his head was so fucking good and maybe that was one reason why I couldn't leave this toxic shit. I let him please me as I dug my freshly done acrylics into his back, "fuckkkk." my legs began to shake as I whispered cuss words into his ear. That shit felt so fucking good.

"What's my name?" He looked me dead in my eyes as he took his mouth off of my clit for just a second but that was it before he was devouring my shit again.

I couldn't even speak as my eyes began to roll to the back of my head. He was pleasing me so good.

"What is it, baby?" He asked again when I didn't answer him.

I still didn't answer, but not because I didn't want to. I didn't answer him because I couldn't answer him. My legs began to shake.

"Answer me when I'm talking to you!" He flipped me over and tooted my ass in the air and began to spank me with his hand.

"What's my name bitch?" He whispered in my ear as he began to spank me. He normally got aggressive during sex and I actually kinda liked it.

"Say..that..shit." He said in between spanks.

"Derrickkk!" I finally cried out and he was satisfied. He flipped me back over on my back and began to eat my pussy again, wanting me to cum.

"Good girl. My nasty bitch." He said as he held my legs while they shook uncontrollably.

"I'm about to cummmm!" I was able to get out right before I lost control of my body and came all in his mouth.

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