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It was finally summer break and since Sevyn didn't have any family to go home to, she would always stay on campus. Diamond went home to spend some time with her family. It's been 2 days since Diamond's been gone and Sevyn was starting to get bored. She didn't know what to do with herself. Depression slowly started to take over her.

Sevyn got up and got dressed. She decided she wasn't going to let depression take over.

Sevyn searched in her closet for something casual to put on, she wasn't going anywhere special. Considering it was hot as hell outside, Sevyn settled on a black sundress and some black sandals. She grabbed her toothbrush, her toothpaste, her shower shoes and her towel and headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth and take a shower. Sevyn hated that she had to share a bathroom with all the girls in her dorm and also that she had to come out of her room to go to the bathroom.

Sevyn entered the bathroom and there were 2 other girls in there, one was at the sink in the mirror and there was someone in one of the showers. Normally around this time there aren't many girls around since everyone normally goes back home for summer break. They do allow you to be on campus during summer break if you'd like aswell. Some girls chose to stay. Sevyn assumed they were in the same situation she was in. They probably didn't have a family to go home to either.

Sevyn sat her towel down on the bench in the bathroom in front of the showers and placed her toothbrush and toothpaste on the towel. She stripped out of her clothing and placed them on the bench aswell, she then put her shower shoes on and stepped into one of the showers, pulling the curtain closed. She turned on the water and adjusted it to the temperature of her liking. She quickly washed up and stepped out, wrapping her towel around her body. She grabbed her toothbrush and her toothpaste and headed to the sink. She took her toothbrush out of the toothbrush holder, put some toothpaste on her toothbrush and began to brush her teeth.

3 more girls walked into the bathroom, loud as fuck as she was exiting to go back to her room. She used her key to unlock her dorm door and walked back inside. She quickly got dressed and took her hair out of her bonnet, brushing it. She put on her gold hoops and grabbed her pink coach bag, heading out the door. She locked the door behind her. She was feeling cute.

As Sevyn was exiting the dorm building she felt her phone vibrate in her purse. She unzipped her purse, pulling out her phone, rolling her eyes when she looked at who was calling her. It was Derrick. She was growing more and more irritated with him by the day, especially since he's became super controlling and abusive. For some reason she just couldn't break free from him though. He was her first real love. "Hello." I answered the call.

"Wassup ma, what you doing?"

"Nothing." I said dryly

"Damn baby, you don't miss me?"

I rolled my eyes as if he could see me. Hell no. "Yeah baby, I miss you. I just got a lot on my mind." The part about me missing him was definitely a lie but I honestly did have a lot on my mind.

"I'm pulling up in front of your dorm, ma. Come outside."

I sighed. Honestly I couldn't lie, I could use some company. I honestly had nowhere to go anyways. I probably was about to just find somewhere to smoke and walk to keep my mind off of things. "I'm coming."

"Bet." He said, ending the call.

I spotted his car pulling up, and made my way towards it. I opened the door and the smell of weed and loud music hit me. My type of party. I thought as I closed the door and noticed he had a blunt in his hand. He kissed me on my lips and I kissed back. I'm not gonna lie, he was an asshole but his kisses still did something to me. "I missed you, ma." He pulled me in for a hug once we pulled away from the kiss, holding the blunt still in one hand away from me so it wouldn't burn me and hugging me with the other hand.

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