Chapter 55

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((AN: Hey all! It's me R! I personally hate long authors notes so imma keep this short and to the point, for the following chapters, unless specified by myself, then these chapters have significant time skipped in between each one (if I stick to the timeline, I made which is usually the case, then this time skipping business should take place over the course of 5-6 chapters) these chapters will be taking place over the course of the next school year, as there is nothing too huge I'd like to cover. I am willing to be more flexible if there is something you'd specifically like to see so feel free to shoot a comment with an idea at me!

Oh, and for those who get it:


Anyways, I hope you're enjoying so far, y'all are genuinely the best! Have an amazing morning, noon, or night!


————— Percy's POV: —————

This new school year was already going slower than the last. Last year I'd been lucky to get a few classes with Damian but this year I only had one with him being 7th period. My days seemed to be dragging longer and longer.

It was partly why I was happy to be going to Jason's for the weekend, but the other part was that Jason finally agreed to let me meet the two people in his photographs, the woman with the lovely red hair and the man whose skin seemed gray.

I looked over Jason's shoulder to see how close we were to his house. To say I was excited was an understatement.

I noted we were about a block out, I could feel my foot tapping ever so lightly in anticipation.

"Percy, just to remind you these two can be a bit brash, don't take anything they say to heart okay? Especially Bizzaro, he means well most of the time."

I nodded.

"I'm okay Jason, you don't need to worry about it. If they hang out with you they can't be too awful." Jason didn't respond as we pulled up to the building. Usually Jason would let me go in before him while he parked but we'd agreed beforehand we'd go in together since Jason wanted to introduce us.

While Jason warned me now he always smiled when he talked about the two in his photos. When we watched movies or played games he'd tell small stories about things the two did and I'd basically deduced that he and the redhead were dating from the way his smile turned smitten and his face would turn red when he needed to avoid certain parts of the story. Jason made it a little too easy.

We parked in the apartment's parking lot before getting up and beginning to walk to the apartment.

"And Bizzaro is a bit of a burly guy okay? So don't be intimidated." I smiled. "And if he tries to give you a hug and it's too tight then just tap his shoulder or like scream or something-"

"Jason," I smiled as I shook my head. I couldn't exactly tell him that I'd been hugged by a god and a cyclops both of which was a step away from breaking my spine. "I'll be okay." He watched me for a moment before nodding.

We went up the elevator before arriving at our floor. Jason took an unsteady breath as he unlocked the door and walked inside before me. I heard some shuffling from inside as I walked in.

Inside were the two people I'd only ever seen in pictures. The woman was was just a little taller than Jason and the man was much taller, easily towering over the two. He gave me a bright smile.

"Small red him!" He said, giving me a wave but mid way through he paused "or...little blue her?" He pointed to his hair as if referencing my blue hair. I smiled as I nodded, the woman walking forward to greet me. She wore a red hoodie and some black leggings.

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