Chapter 47

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————— Damian's POV: —————

"Actually get some sleep tonight okay? You look tired." I said, watching as Percy entered into her room. She lingered in the doorway, her hair messy as she turned back to look at me. Her smile didn't hide the dark circles under her eyes.

"I will, I promise." She said, her hand now holding the edge of her door but it didn't look like she wanted to go. In all honesty, I didn't want her to either, but for her health I knew it'd just be better for her to sleep and we could hang out tomorrow. Seeming to sense this was actually a goodnight Percy went to go inside but stopped, turning quickly and pulling me in for a hug. I didn't push her off as I placed my head on her shoulder. Her hugs were my favorite.

She pulled back and gave me a grateful smile. "See you tomorrow Dami." With that she waved and disappeared behind her door. I smiled and turned to walk down the hall to my room but to my horror Dick stood there with a smile. I felt my smile disappear instantly as his smile grew.


Next thing I knew we were standing on one of the house's balconies, watching the garden below. The leaves rustled as a light snow began to trick down. Thankfully one good thing about Dicks sweaters was that he always chose good material so they were almost perpetually warm. That didn't mean I was any less angry at him at the moment though, he was still smirking beside me.

"Soooo Damian," he didn't continue but he did rest his head on his hand like a fool. He raised an eyebrow before attempting to wiggle them. I openly gagged in front of him which he laughed at.

"Grayson I'm going to need you to stop." I said. I turned back to the garden, observing the lovely lights Alfred had set out.

"I will I will, when you admit that you like her." I felt my face burn red as I turned to him furiously. He only laughed at my reaction.

"I- I do not!" I half yelled, quickly making my voice go back to its normal tone as my fists clenched.

Dick nodded a little before shaking his head. "Don't lie to yourself, I can see it." He tapped just below his eye and for a moment I wondered if maybe Bruce would be okay with Dick becoming a one eyed pirate. Maybe he could even become Aquaman's sidekick now. "So when're you gonna ask her?" He asked, his smile dimming as he became serious.

I shook my head. "I'm not planning on confessing because I don't have a crush on her." Despite my protests I could feel my heart pound in my chest and my face definitely wasn't dropping in heat.

"I'm serious Damian, it was better for Babs and I once we just got over ourselves, don't put yourself through years of torture just because of pride." I huffed but for once I actually let Dicks words settle.

We stood still for a while, myself calming down and Dick probably still laughing at me internally.

"What do you think?" I finally asked, turning over to Dick, his expression now confused. I felt stupid for what I was going to say but I figured my comfort didn't matter at this point. "I mean like, what do you think about her?"

He paused for a second before shrugging. "About her as a person, or what I think she thinks?"

"The latter."

"Well I think if she knows anything about you she'll think you're just as great as we all think you are," Dick said with a smirk but I just narrowed my eyes at him and he relented. "Sorry I had to. Honestly? I think she likes you too, I mean come on, she laid on your shoulder all day! Even when you shifted she shifted with you. Not to mention she's the only one I've ever seen you smile for, at least someone your age." I rolled my eyes.

"But what if it does happen? What do I say about our night activities?? How do I explain that?" Dick sighed, placing both elbows on the balcony railing as he thought.

"I mean, that's something I can't really help you with, Star knew about my stuff and obviously Babs knew from basically the beginning. I've never really had to say anything about it."

"I mean, it's just, I don't want to put her in that position, I can't put her in more danger than she was when she was with her step dad."

"Yes, but she also has everyone in the family looking after her. Sure, we can't ensure anything but she has everyone protecting her."

"But that's not right! To keep something like that from her just seems so-"

"Damian." I stopped, letting out the remaining breath in my lungs. "Yes, it's a hard decision. One every hero has to make. We both know heros whose significant others don't know yet, they make it work. You just have to figure out your own situation, do what feels right because it's your relationship." He paused. "Hypothetical relationship. Still, you can play it by ear."

I wanted the answers, more badly than anything. But Dick was right, there was no textbook for heroing, especially not when it comes to your partners. I hated that he was becoming correct more often, it was becoming harder to argue with him.

I sighed and turned back to the garden again.

Dick patted me on the back, seemingly happy with the damage he'd done to my peace as he bid me goodnight.

I ended up staying outside in the snow for a while longer before succumbing to frustration and heading out for the night.

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