Chapter 14

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-------------Jason's POV: --------------

It wasn't every day that Bruce left the house during the day. 

He stood by the door, checking himself in the mirror, combing his hands through his gelled hair, checking his teeth for pieces of his last meal, his outing jacket placed tight around his body.  

Something was happening.

I leaned against the doorway, carefully eating my cereal. Not going to lie, this was only slightly more entertaining than watching nature documentaries with Tim. Don't get me wrong, it's not a lot by any means, but it was rare, which made it something to see. 

"Going on a date old man?" I asked, breaking the silence as Bruce's arm slowly lowered, a sigh escaping him as he turned to face me. 

"Jason, just the son I needed to see." A stab went through my heart at the word son, but I chose to overlook it. It was significantly rarer for Bruce to specifically need my help, or even visit. 

"That's new, should I prepare a song and dance?" I asked, smirking at his unimpressed look. 

"I'm going to visit your sister. I'd like you to come along." he adjusted his coat once more as if using me as a reference for Percy. 

At the few words, I nearly fell back, barely catching my bowl in time to not spill anything. "What?!" I asked, my voice raising higher than I'd like to admit. 

Bruce waited for me to catch myself before resuming. "Since she is related to you, I would like to check on her family. Her relation to you is easy information if people look in the right places so I would like to talk things out with them, maybe get a plan for if this information were to ever get to the press. I figured they would be more willing if you were present." I clenched my jaw, taking in a deep breath, and my head nodded before I even registered the consequences of most of this. 

I would get to see mom again. 

Sure she wasn't my biological mom but Sally was the closest thing to a mother figure I'd gotten and I sure wouldn't let that relationship be demoted. She was as much of a family member to me as anything. 

"Sure, you have the address?" It was a stupid question but I didn't care, I was more so just feeling overwhelmed by the prospect. 

Bruce nodded, his face lighter than before, almost happy but it didn't quite feel right to label it like that. 

"Great, then let's go see mama Sally." 


When we pulled up to a dingy-looking apartment complex I could almost feel my heart sink. The area we'd arrived in wasn't great, forget being safe. In this part of town, the rates of gambling and crime practically skyrocketed. Why they'd moved here really didn't make sense to me. Especially with the money, Sally had gotten from her previous husband's disappearance. They'd been well off -enough to be safe that is- to get a decent place, but this? What had happened when I'd been gone? 

Bruce and I got out of the car. I could only look up at the dilapidated building with shock and maybe an eerie dread.  I could only barely register Bruce telling Alfred to come and pick us up in about max 30 minutes. When he finished he began walking inside, not even waiting for me. 

I pushed back my unease, closing my hands into fists as I followed after him. 

We walked up a few flights of stairs before arriving at a dingy door, the crusty white paint was cracked and didn't fully cover the scratches and patched-up holes that littered the wood. 

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