Chapter 31

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—————— Percy's POV: ——————

When the motorcycle came to a stop I wasn't quite sure we'd actually stopped at our final destination until Jason removed his helmet. His hair flopped out into his eyes but he quickly pushed it off as he got off, flipping a small metal stopper before extending a hand out to me, the sequence so fast I barely had time to remove my motorcycle helmet.

"Be careful, I don't want you to trip." I smiled and carefully grabbed his hand, noting his strong grip as he helped me off the motorcycle. When my feet met the ground Jason released my hand. We were in the parking lot of a fairly nice looking apartment building. "Come on, let's get you settled." I noted a hint of excitement in his voice I wasn't nearly prepared for.

It felt nice to know that he was excited.

I followed him into the building, the two of us going into an elevator as he clicked the number 6. Slowly the doors shut and the elevator began moving.

"I tried moving things around so you have your own room, it's not like Bruce's place but I figured it's your own space that you can do whatever with, and I promise I won't go in there without your permission." I smiled and nodded. I was a bit nervous to see his place, we hadn't lived together in years, I felt I was a bit justified in this feeling.

"Thanks." He nodded, his smile now clearly ridden with anxiety. We walked down an old hallway, the building had to be old but it wasn't nearly as bad as my old apartments. Jason quickly unlocked his apartment before the door swung open with a creek. The two of us walked inside slowly as I examined quickly.

The place was clearly designed to be a man cave, there were various posters hung up on the brick walls, a massive tv with various controllers sat below a tv and from what I could see of the kitchen there were MANY protein bars stacked in their boxes on the counter. But as I took a closer look I could see Jason really had picked up, in some spots there was dust that had holes in it from places Jason had removed things from, I also spotted various photographs.

I found myself walking over to the small wall of photos. All of the photos either carried pictures of Jason, a red haired girl, and a strange yet happy looking giant, Jason a dude with red hair, or only a couple photos with Jason and the rest of the Wayne's. In each of the ones with whom I assume to be his friends Jason seemed happy, smiles clear on his face. I found myself smiling in return.

"Oh uh, that's Artemis," he pointed to the lovely girl with a strong attitude and flaming red hair, "Roy," he pointed to the red haired wild looking man, "and Biz- uh Bizzaro, it's a nickname." That was the friendly giant. I smiled and nodded. They looked great honestly, if not a bit wild but I wasn't one to judge, especially when I was acquainted with a legion of party horses and the kids from camp.

"They look fun." I said quietly, glancing over at Jason, I could tell he was relieved by my judgment, his smile bright as he nodded.

"They're the best. Maybe one day I'll introduce you guys."

"I'd love that." I mumbled, turning back to the pictures.

We stayed quiet for a moment as I looked over the photos for a bit longer before Jason suddenly exclaimed. "Oh! Wait." He quickly waved me over to a door near the side of the tv, a small bump in the wall dividing the two. I followed him over as he showed me the door.

"This is your room, I tried to decorate it with stuff Alfred recommended," I could tell he was lying, " so if you hate it, totally blame Alfred." I knew he'd picked out everything in this room, whether he wanted to take responsibility for my reaction or not. I decided even if it was horrible I'd give him a smile like it was my favorite thing.

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