Chapter 39

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Just alerting that it's now mid December.

————— Percy's POV: —————

My foot bounced rapidly against the locker floor, my hands fiddling down by my sides as I waited for the rest of the girls to finish changing.

Despite the clear cold weather and lack of warmth in the locker rooms I couldn't help but focus only on my excitement. Most of my teammates were complaining, shaking, or doing both, but I held a smile on my face as I waited because today was our first swim meet and I couldn't be more elated.

I'd practiced tons, even at home with Damian timing my runs, so I knew I'd be ready for today outside my innate ability given to me by my lineage, but even still I couldn't help but be excited and a wee bit nervous.

The past month had been a blur, what with the adjustments of moving in with the Wayne's finally settling and such. I'd spent plenty of time studying with Tim to the point now that some of Annabeth's siblings keep joking that if I keep this up Annabeth won't be able to call me seaweed brain anymore, she did not like that. I'd been visiting the lawyer a lot, and I'd been working hard as well, my paychecks were coming in super handy with what I had planned soon.

Since it was December, this was going to be the only meet before the break for Christmas, and immediately after this I had to get back home and continue working on my gifts. It was hard, I admit to think of different gifts for everyone, especially ones that would fit my budget, but I believed that what I had so far was pretty good, especially my gift for Alfred, though this was also the one that was taking me the longest.

"Girls!" A clap came from the door and my head turned swiftly as my eyes laid on our coach. "How're we feeling!"

"Cold!" One girl yelled out from the back, a bunch of other girls laughing in ways that revealed they were all shaking.

"I know! But don't worry the pool is heated okay! And we have family standing off to the side ready with towels for you guys! Now are we ready?"

There were some small yeahs before the coach opened the door and we all began exiting. I looked around quickly, I knew Alfred and Damian were here but I'd invited everyone, including Bruce though I knew he couldn't make it. I only hoped I'd see everyone out there.

My eyes scanned the crowd quickly till I heard a loud "WHOOPP! Amongst the cheering crowd. My eyes immediately turned to them, as well as most of the team and to my shock, horror, and pleasure I found everyone, even Bruce, Dick and Stephanie were fighting over who would hold the sign that read "GO PERCY!!!" While everyone else waved and clapped.

My eyes landed on Damian and he gave me a small smile and wave. I waved back just as I turned back to the person in front of me, suddenly not as cold as a flood of embarrassment rolled over me.

After a team huddle the coach let us know which events we'd been put in. I'd been given butterfly, free style, and a relay part. First was Freestyle.

So as everyone was called up I walked with them, going to the lane I'd been assigned. I spared one last look towards everyone as I got into position on the small diving boards. I silently hyped myself while also reminding myself I was doing 2 laps, or a 100 meter race. I glanced over at everyone around me and smiled. They had no idea what they were in for.

The speakers began counting down.

"3!" I tucked my head in between my arms, bending over as I prepared to dive.

"2!" Deep breath.

"1!" Loud cheering.

"BEEPPP!!" With that I was off, my dive was perfect and I felt myself shoot through the water, my body making it most of the distance through diving alone. When I reached the surface I was off, my body moving on instinct with the moves I was born to practice.

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