Chapter 9

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—————Percy's POV: —————

"I'm NOT your FUCKING sister Jason, someone doesn't just leave their gods damn sister behind!!" I yelled back, clenching my fists so hard that I could feel a warm liquid start to surround my nails. Jason took in a deep breath, and I could see a hint of hurt cross his features.

No, that isn't right.

He doesn't deserve to be upset by that comment. I was hurt. I was abandoned. I had to witness the death of both the parents I ever knew and loved. I had to deal with Gabe.

Jason left, Jason got to live here, Jason got to have a nice family. Jason didn't witness my mother's death. Jason wasn't berated and beaten by Gabe.

I could feel tears start to make their way down my face and I released my hands, rubbing at my face viciously. He didn't deserve to see me cry. When I looked up I could see Jason trying to get closer, Damein was in front of me, grabbing my hands away from my face, and Tim was holding back Jason, yelling at him.

Why did this have to happen? Why couldn't I just enjoy one night with a new friend.

"What the heck is going on here?" A new voice sounded, I turned to see an older man, his shaggy black hair matched that of the others. He looked over Jason and Tim before looking at me and I could see confusion, surprise, and worry all in unison as he ran over. "Who're you?!" He asked. I couldn't focus, so much was happening and I just wanted to leave. I didn't want this. Jason left me and it should stay that way.

"This is Percy, a girl from my school. We were hanging out but then Jason came and he said they're siblings!" Damien said, pulling my hands down and I looked over to see I'd dug deep cuts into my palm, the blood was creating patterns in the grooves of my skin.

"Okay, bring her out of here, we need to figure this out." Damein nodded and placed a hand on my shoulder, gently pulling me away from the situation.

Together we walked into the hall but I still couldn't relax, the image of Jason's stupid concerned face played hevily in my mind and I just wanted it to stop. I wanted this whole night to stop. I wanted to be at camp half blood, with Annabeth and Grover, playing with Ms. O'leary and Blackjack.

I was led into the movie room where I was sat down, Damien's scrunched face sat in front of me, concern playing heavily on his expression. "Percy are you okay?" I didn't answer, instead looking down as I watched the blood continue further. Damien muttered a small curse before grabbing the sides of my arms. "I'm going to go get some band-aids, don't move okay?" I nodded, he took one last breath before turning and leaving the room.

The room filled with silence as distant yelling could be heard, the sound of his voice just brought me back and the more I heard it the more I remembered all I'd lost. The thoughts raced through my mind, smashing against my skull and causing more damage then I'd like to admit. I could feel warm tears race down my face, the liquid slowly dripping onto my palms and lessening the color of the blood, making it a light blush color.

Why did this have to happen?

The sounds of footsteps entering brought my attention to the door but instead of Damien it was Tim, a solemn look on his face. I quickly turned away, rubbing my face on my shoulder and collecting myself momentarily before turning to him again. He pursed his lips before giving me a small smile.

"Can I come in?" I nodded, taking a deep breath. He walked in, taking the chair beside me. I turned to look at him as he held a comforting air to him. "If you don't mind I'm going to ask you a few questions, you don't have to answer them but we're trying to figure out the situation so if you could answer that would be very helpful." I looked off to the side.

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