Chapter 30

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—————Percy's POV: —————

I watched as Damian got in the car, his eyes lingering on me with worry as he moved slowly into the car, his hand seemingly stuck on the metal framing of the car.

I gave him a smile trying to make him relax. I knew he wasn't especially comfortable with letting me go out on my own, something to do with the family history of getting kidnapped which was a whole hour long rant on Tuesday, but eventually I managed to convince him I'd be alright if I went with Jason there with me, though even that was a begrudging compromise. No matter if it was Friday, I was still happy to be able to go out alone. I waited until the car was out of sight before I began walking off. Domain didn't have to know that I'd call Jason later, for all he should know, I'm waiting right here for Jason the entire time. I smirked to myself as I reached past my phone and pulled out the flier in my back pocket.

The crumpled up piece of paper unfurled in my hands, the various crinkles making lines of discoloration dance across the lettering. I was glad I could still properly read the message, though it's taken some effort back in the hall. I probably would've been there all day had it not been for Damain asking me why I was looking at a job application poster. I had waved him off back then but I managed to sneakily grab and place the flier in my back pocket.

I focused my energy on reading as I managed to decipher the address, inputting the location into my phone before a blue pathway appeared on my screen, guiding me to my goal. I laughed quietly to myself as I wished this was how the gods would give us our quests. A paper and a path, it would be so much easier that way.

Pushing that to the side though, I walked through the city streets, keeping myself diligent in looking out for monsters or sinister looking people since I was forced to hold my phone for a long period of time in order to find out where I was going.

Eventually I made it to the restaurant, but I found that surprisingly I was unharmed.

I tucked my phone into the pockets of my jacket as I looked around. The shop was small sure and there were a few loose threads here and there, but otherwise it looked pretty safe.

"Hello?" I turned to see a young man, probably in his early 20's, his brown hair was cut short and hung around his face in waves. "Can I get you a table?" He asked. He looked slightly confused but was already going for a menu. I couldn't blame him, it was too late for lunch but way too early for dinner. Not to mention this restaurant was so far outta the way of the school it made little sense for a highschooler to come here for just a snack.

I shook my head, pulling out the flier once more as I set it down on the counter. "I was actually looking to apply for a job here? I found this flier and wanted to know if any positions were still open?" I asked, somehow managing to keep my voice calm yet persuasive. The boy watched me for a moment, his eyebrows furrowing.

"Aren't you a bit young to be working?" I was a bit young for a lot of the things I've had to go through in life, a job was nothing. Or so I thought, but to this guy I probably was just a normal kid in his eyes.

"I'm 14." I said cooly.

The boy watched me, clearly he believed me to be too young. "I...I''ll get my boss." He tapped his hands against the wooden desk he was sat at and walked back further into the restaurant before disappearing behind a set of doors. I looked around the mostly empty restaurant and found a couple sitting by the window, one of them was on their phone while the other talked quietly. I could barely make out their conversation but through the emphasized words I could tell it had something to do with the man's job. There were other people scattered around, though aside from the small group of men sat in a booth trying their best to keep their laughing quiet, the others in the building were sat alone.

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