Chapter 38

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————— Percy's POV: —————

Jason got mad. Really, really mad.

The moment the words left my lips his face had turned red. I figured we should wait till we got home for me to tell him about what happened with the lawyer, but I was especially glad now.

"He killed her?" I nodded, my lips downturned and my eyes focused on each motion.

I watched his jaw clench, his fingers curl tight around the edges of the couch. I didn't like seeing his anger but I also understood.

"Why didn't you say anything?!" Jason half yelled, and I found my throat closing slightly as I felt my heart pound in my chest.

"I-" I took a deep breath, forcing my eyes down. My brain searched for the answer but all I could focus on was the clenching of Jason's fingers, now moving to clench together. A sudden pain bloomed in my stomach."I'm not sure."

"Percy! You can't say you don't know! Sally was killed, you can't just not know why you didn't do anything!" He was definitely yelling now. A sound that hurt my ears and forced my heart to pick up its pace.

I opened my mouth to speak but Jason moved to stand and in an involuntary motion, my mouth shut and I scooted back, my hands going from beside me on the couch to up in front of me. I'd flinched all too violently.

In a second all noise was canceled out by the pounding in my ears. I couldn't see Jason from behind my hands leaving me in a panicked state.

"Percy..." I lowered my hands to see a sorrowful Jason, his anger gone without a trace. His eyes look like I'd just died in front of him. I felt my fingernails push into my palms as regret so heavily pushed on me I felt like I was being crushed.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" my voice ceased to work,  instead a sob escaped followed by a rapid succession of short breaths as tears filled into my eyes against my will. I hated them, I wished they would dry up but they fell out instead and rolled down my face. Jason walked forwards and kneeled down so he was lower than me. I couldn't see his face anymore, just blocks of color.

"I'm sorry Percy. Can I hug you?" I noted fear in his voice as I nodded as I leaned forward, my fingers unfurling as I placed my arms over Jason's shoulders and hid my face in his shoulder, his comforting warmth a nice reminder that I was okay. "I'm so so sorry, okay? I didn't mean to yell like that. I apologize, it's just... I'm frustrated that I couldn't be there to help her." My voice wasn't working currently, instead I sniffled like a useless child and held him tight, just thankful for the warmth he provided and his quiet words. He rubbed my back in small circles, although his nails were short it felt nice. He kept whispering sorrys into my ear, his voice low and warm, not a hint of the anger from earlier left in his system. I could feel him shaking from beneath my touch.

When my sniffling ceased was when he slowed up and let me go.

I could see the pure regret on his face. He was still kneeled in front of me, his eyes set on me, examining me to make sure no tears dared escape. "I'm sorry." I finally mumbled. He shook his head quickly.

"No, don't apologize. None of this is your fault okay? I just got mad, and I'm sorry, okay?" He still was shaky, his elbows rested on his knees, his hands were now together to meet in the middle, shaking like he was cold.

"It's okay." I responded, my voice still pitiful. He nodded though I could tell this did nothing to help.

We stayed quiet for a moment before he seemed to move again. "I'm going to cool down, I'll pick up some ice cream, okay?" I nodded, though I didn't want him to leave. I felt guilty like he was trying to get away from me but I didn't speak up. He gave me a small smile and placed a hesitant hand on my shoulder before standing up and heading for the door, grabbing his helmet and keys on the way before leaving me in silence. It was dark outside and the only light we had in the house right now was a single lamp placed beside me.

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