Chapter 3

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--------------Jason's POV: ----------------

"Why was I dragged to help you guys exactly?" I asked, looking over to the group that had formed. "I'm not even in school anymore, if anything Tim should be the supervisor!" I said, gesturing to Tim who was walking around with a basket in his hand, books and pens galore filled the carrier to the brim. His boyfriend stood beside him giving me a sheepish smile.

"Because Jason, Bruce said you had to do something other than mope, plus look at them! Do they look responsible to you!" Damein half yelled, pointing to the duo who were now intensely staring binders as if looking into how they were made by sheer determination.

"Just because they're dweebs doesn't mean that you can't watch yourself, I mean for goodness sake you drove us here!" I yelled back, throwing my hands in the air. Surely, I wasn't the crazy one here.

"I drove damn well, and you know it." Damien growled, glaring what could only be false holes into my skull.

"Alright, back it up you two, I'm not dealing with the paparazzi because you decided to go feral." Duke interjected, placing a hand on either of our shoulders, pushing us away from each other.

"You mean that squirt?" I mumbled to myself, but this was enough to earn another glare and a warning from Steph.

"Quit it Jason, let's just get the school supplies and go, I'm not waiting around for you guys all day. I have stuff I'd like to do, thank you very much." I let out a groan, grabbing a cart as we began walking down the aisles, Duke going with Cass, and Damien with Stephanie. Dick had been allowed to skip this 'family bonding' due to a date with Kory.

Lucky Bastard.

I decided to stay on my phone most of the time, mostly ranting to Roy who was taking my complaints with a grain of salt. Knowing him he was probably drinking at one of his parties. Everything I sent him was usually met with a picture of him with a girl or getting slapped by a girl. It was an entertaining routine.

Eventually Damien and Stephanie came back, placing a buttload of supplies into the cart. I looked over it with wide eyes as the two began to walk off again.

"Whoa whoa! What- how are you supposed to fit all of this into your backpack?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, Damien looked back at me with a disinterested look.

"I'm renewing all my supplies, manor and all, now keep standing there while we get what's needed." With that they turned down another aisle, I let out a short huff as I shook my head, going back to the messages with Roy, the newest girl being a girl with short red hair, her brown eyes staring angrily at him as Roy posed for a pic. I let out a chuckle as more stuff was added to the cart, this time by Duke and Cass.

"Are you guys also renewing your stuff?" I asked, not being able to tell what was added and what had already been there.

Duke looked back with a small smile. "Nope, I think that's just Damien." I nodded, walking with the two to catch up to Stephanie and Damien, eventually finding the two with more stuff loaded into their baskets, looking like they were about to head back.

"Oh, looks like you finally decided to catch up." Damein dumped all the belongings into the basket. "Now let's go, I wanna enjoy my final days before I have to go back to school." With that he left with a snooty look on his face, leaving us in the aisle.

"He does realize we have to wait for Tim and-"

"Yep, let's just go before we get an earful." Cass said, cutting me off as we followed him out of the aisle.

We followed Damien for a while, eventually finding Brenard and Tim, the two looking as joyful as ever. I rolled my eyes as they joined us, our herd changing direction as we headed for the cash registers.

After what felt like forever with lots of scanning and a loooonnggg receipt, we finally managed to get out of the store, the cart being the only way to manage all the supplies they'd gathered.

"God, did you guys buy out the entire office section?" I asked, looking at all the crinkly plastic white bags, their forms making lots of noise with the blowing wind.

"Shut up you degenerate, just because you didn't listen in the car doesn't mean you get to make comments now." I felt my eye twitch as I bit my tongue, already ready to be home and away from Damien and the rest.

I tolerated all but Damein but even still, being around them for long periods of times only managed to make me feel uncomfortable. It had been like that ever since the incident. I could feel my jaw clench as I looked off.

The cars around me helped to drown out the sounds of the talking around me. I could tell we were nearing the car, but I really didn't feel like going home now. The sudden change of mood was un-welcomed and frankly made me need to go out.

So, when the car came around and everyone disappeared around the car to open up the trunk, I took the chance by myself to dash, running off and out of the parking lot and into the busy city.

Once I was decidedly far enough, I stopped running, letting out a breath of relief as I pushed my hair back, relishing in the wind that made its way between the buildings.

"I told you I never wanted to be here in the fucking first place, I still don't understand why I had to come with you, I told you Annabet-"

"Shut the hell up," I flinched at the word, turning to look at the duo that had passed me. "I told you; the rent is cheaper in Gotham and there's no way I'll have you stay at some stranger's house." The man's voice left something to be desired, his tone overly loving and practically dripping with remorse. "Now, let's hurry and get the groceries." I looked down at the girl he was walking with, her black hair waving in the wind, revealing a blue jacket.

I visibly felt myself pause as my hand reached up, as if trying to see by some fate that the girl would turn around and be the 5-year-old sibling I'd lost all those years ago.

The girl didn't turn, instead lowering her head, continuing to follow after the gross looking man.

I clenched my jaw tighter, lowering my hand to my side as I found it going into a fist.

Great, now my mood is worse.

I pulled a cigarette from my pocket, quickly lighting it before turning around and walking towards the nearest bar.


1158 words

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