Chapter 45

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————— Percy's POV: —————

I took a step back from my cabin, a small water person jumping off the roof before freezing back into snow at my feet. I smiled over at the cabin, the blue lights glowed brilliantly and the small wreaths that adorned the various windows and doors, all added a perfect touch. It was easy getting the chariot and pegasi on the roof with some simple tricks of water, the plastic creatures halted in a permanent run. They fit in perfect with the snow. Somehow Chiron had managed to convince Zeus to change it up for two weeks and let it snow. The strawberries were luckily fine with the help of some Hephestus kids projects and the rest of the camp got to enjoy a beautiful snowy day.

I'd been helping everyone decorate all day, that was after my generous welcoming of course. My ribs still hurt from the amount of children Clarisse had encouraged to dog pile on top of me. It was a miracle I was the only one who'd been hit on the head.

I turned over to look at the other cabins, all of which were nearly finished now. I especially liked the ares cabin which was covered in sparkly barbed wire, quite the delicate touch if I do say so, and I didn't even dare try to look at the Apollo cabin which was shining just as bright as the sun itself. Looking at it left a black hole in your vision for a minute straight.

I sighed as my stomach rumbled. Since Tyson was still in the forges I had no siblings to help me decorate my cabin, even Thalia had the hunters to help her. They had immediately headed over once Annabeth had told them of our plans and quickly set up decorations outside of camp in their own area. They'd been helping everyone else out but when they offered to help me I pushed them off towards the Demeter cabin which held a lot of younger kids but only a few older kids. So it was easy to say I was pretty exhausted.

"Good job seaweed brain". I turned to see Annabeth, her mouth curved into a smile as she set her hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you, wise girl." We admired my decorations for a bit before Annabeth lightly tapped my arm with her elbow.

"So, Damian huh?" I felt my face heat up as she smiled at me, her eye's mischievous.

"Annabeth!" I'd nearly forgotten about the stunt she'd pulled earlier, I didn't need her to expose me like that.

She laughed quietly. "Sorry sorry, I'm just not used to seeing you be so-" and she mimicked my expressions from earlier. I frowned but felt a smile trying to break through. "Well, you know." She smirked.

I rolled my eyes and huffed. "Still, you didn't need to do all that." Annabeth placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Sorry, I just wanted to joke a -" she stopped when the sudden feeling of snow hit my face and I realized that it was because someone had thrown a snowball and hit Annabeth in the back of the head.

We both turned quickly to see an evil smirk on Thalia's face, her hand on her hip as she held a snowball.

"Why you-!" Thalia tossed another this time narrowly missing me.

I smiled and turned to Annabeth, no words needed to be exchanged in our compromise as we leaned down and began our attack.

The fight lasted for what seemed like an hour but was probably only ten minutes.

Annabeth and I had hid behind the edge of my cabin, building up our ammo. What we hadn't realized though was that Thalia managed to recruit a few of the younger kids to help her. When they came around the back all hell broke loose. Snowballs were flying everywhere, other kids joined, not really understanding but having enough Greek spirit to yell a war cry and begin lobing snowballs every which way until it wasn't clear WHO was on any side if there were any at all.

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