Chapter 28

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—————— Percy's POV: ——————

I rubbed my hands against each other with a satisfied smirk on my face as I gazed around the room I'd decorated. Going shopping hadn't been my favorite but the results of the purchases were well worth the discomfort of shopping. With new blue sheets and plenty of soft pillows, my bed now looked much more welcoming. Paired properly with the now substantial amount of blue things tossed around the room as well as pictures I'd had blackjack drop off while we were gone, the room in front of me was the most beautiful place I'd ever been.

I smiled to myself as I wiped off a nonexistent layer of sweat from my forehead. I'd gotten permission beforehand, but I'd hung up a large number of picture frames, the warm memories I treasured dearly were secured to the wall, my lovely pictures safe.I was glad to only have one frame left. I placed my hands down on the ladder, the rickety metal shook below me with its uneven footing. I'd be lying if I said my stomach hadn't dropped to my feet multiple times when it shook while I'd been busy putting up pictures. I'd nearly fallen more times than one.

A knock on the door turned my attention away from my wall and to the door.

"Hey, Percy! I brought the last of your things." I recognized Damaian's voice through the wood. I felt my smile brighten. Damian had gone with Alfred and me today, and I admit, his presence had helped keep me from wanting to die while I looked for things to fill my room. He kept things entertaining.

"Come on in." The door opened slowly and in walked Damian with a few bags lining his arms, the remainder of anything I'd gotten to supply my room held within the white bags in his care.

His eyes wandered around the room before coming to me. I gave him a warm smile, standing up too quickly to wave as the ladder shook beneath me. My eyes widened quickly as I saw the momentary fear that flew across Damain's face before I placed my hands back on the ladder, a nervous laugh escaping me as I tried to look like I hadn't panicked. I'd fallen further when I was at camp, but the sensation that came with falling always made me sick. I figured it had something to do with my father's domain being water and all. I always heard how Nico never loved the ocean from some of the other campers.

"Be careful." He said, his voice trying to caution me but still stern. I nodded quickly, focusing on my balance.

"Of course, I'm good. I promise." Damian shook his head and held up his arms.

"Where do you want these?" He asked, glancing once more around my room. The urge to ask him what he thought rose in my chest but I held back.

"Uh, you can put them in my closet, those look like trinkets and such." I carefully this time lifted my hand to point to the closet door which was only a foot or so away from the ladder. He gave me a swift nod as he began walking towards me. I took this chance to begin with the final frame I had to put up. I gripped the handle of the hammer tightly as I used the other hand to grab a nail.

I brought the sharp item up to the wall before swiftly hitting it into the wall, the task simple. Once I was sure it was secure I set the hammer down and grabbed the blue frame, the glass interior already holding a picture, though this one was fresh. I smiled to myself as I held the frame in front of me. It was a picture of Damian, Alfred, and I. We'd taken a selfie together, a recommendation coming from Alfred. It wasn't special by any means but something about it made my heart feel warm. I let out a sigh as I reached my hands up to place the frame carefully, making sure it was properly balanced so it wouldn't be crooked.

"Alright, everything's settled." I heard Damian say from below me. His footsteps did not lead to the door and instead sounded like he'd stayed put near the door. "That doesn't look like you're being safe you know."

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