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"You two are really meant for each other." Wen Rui who slowly followed said with a sinister smile on his face.

Xiao zhan whole body froze when he heard a voice that seems familiar and unfamiliar that made him so scared, his head started hurting and his vision blurred, the last thing he heard was his husband's voice calling him.

Yibo panicked and immediately carried his ger and rushed towards the car, placing xiao zhan carefully in the car he called the doctor at the hospital with trembling hands while looking at his ger whose face was white as paper and the bright red blood on his ger trousers.

"Drive faster! Baby nothing will happen to you, I'm here we will arrive at the hospital soon hang in there." Yibo who was now hugging xiao zhan tightly in his arms his eyes wet with tears said not sure if he is consoling his uncouncious ger or himself, it's all his fault, he was careless and allowed that Ye Bing hurt his ger like this, he promised to protect his ger well but failed over and over again.

Ten minutes later they arrived at the hospital and xiao zhan was wheeled in the hospital, the doctors did a general check up and decided to have an emergency cesarian section.

"Mr Wang your ger blood pressure is very high, the baby is under distress the madam needs an emergency cesarian section to save the life of the baby and mother." One of the doctors said and they didn't waste time but immediately wheeled xiao zhan to the theatre.

Yibo staggered back but controlled himself, one minute his ger was talking to him and the next second he is at the hospital and in critical condition, a good and peaceful day that he was to spent with his ger turned out horrible, his ger is only eight months pregnant now and he still has two more months before he could give birth naturally but an accident happened.

In his last life his baby suffered and didn't get a good ending and he suddenly died, he didn't bother too much what caused the babies death and at that time he trusted Ye Bing too much and didn't see anything wrong with her, but in this life he could clearly tell that something is wrong, he wondered why he was so blind in his last life.

Now thinking very careful now it looks like his son sudden death must have something to do with Ye Bing! In this life he did everything to protect his ger and make sure nothing will happen to him, but now his ger and babies life is in danger and he doesn't want to think the worst possible outcome.

"Baby you must be safe, you must hang in there." Yibo whispered weakly while using the hospital wall as his support.

Xiao zhan dad, his twin brother, Wang yibo parents and xiao zhan friends also arrived at the hospital and were worried just like Wang yibo and no one said a word to the other.

Xiao zhan on the other hand passed out because of the splitting headache, he felt his head was about to burst because of the pain and he was covered in darkness and couldn't see anything, it didn't take long and he felt like his heart is about to be pulled he was in so much pain that he thought he was about to die.

Minutes later he saw himself standing at a familiar and unfamiliar place, looking closely he remembered this was his husband's parents house, the day after he was taken from the orphanage and introduced to his husband's to be but the reaction he got from his husband at that time was not surprising but at the same time hurtful to him.

He saw his young self, he wondered why he can be here and at the same time see another version of himself and all the people who were present at that time seems not to see him at all, he doesn't understand how comes he is at such a place and is being shown something like this.

He even walked closer to his still eighteen years old young self and strangely enough he passed through his young self, it looks like he became transparent! He even tried to touch things that were nearby but his hands just passed through any object he tried to touch!.

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