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Xiao zhan listened to lu bai words and he didn't answer for sometime but just hugged the ger hoping this hug will give lu bai a little bit of reassurance.

The two remained silent for quite some time without anyone saying anything, xiao zhan was the one to break the silence.

"Have you thought what you want to do after being discharged from the hospital?" Zhan asked his first ger friend after getting married, since he was young until now he didn't make any good friends, all the people he regarded as a friend betrayed him one after the other and he never had a good ending with any of them. He didn't have a mother or father but was brought up from the orphanage.

"Well not yet one thing for sure I will not go to that jerk house again or want to see him again! I would rather be homeless and beg outside." Lu bai answered while frowning.

"Don't say that, you're pregnant now and you need to be careful, you can't be so emotional it's not healthy, how about this I will have you stay at my house." Zhan suggested but lu bai refused.

"I can't do that, it's not good iam not a kid and I will surely find a way for myself, thank you for trying to help me, Iam pregnant now and I can't do anything to help you and I will only be staying at your house and doing nothing which is really not right."

"You don't have to say anything, I have plans and I need help from other's too, your pregnant now and you don't have to think about doing something until you have given birth." Zhan said.

"But your husband might not like it, that is your husband and your husband's house too, I don't want to cause any trouble." Lu bai was still hesitant, the doctor has already told him he needs to be stress free and be in a comfortable environment, he must avoid anything that will stimulate him emotionally because it will be bad not only for the baby but also him, he is around five months pregnant now going six and the pregnancy condition hasn't stabled until now.

"My husband listens to me and follows all my instructions and wishes." Zhan said shyly his cheek's reddened because of blushing, making lu bai to be a little bit envious, if only his jerk husband li shi could be as less good as wang yibo, zhan continued to speak. " He will surely not refuse, also you won't stay for free, after you have given birth I will need you to do something for me too."

Lu bai smiled and nodded his head,he didn't expect he will one day meet someone as good as xiao zhan who is so defenceless and innocent and ready to help anyone who is in need, he really is the lucky few who met this saint.

The two talked happily with xiao zhan really curious about pregnancy and he asked alot of questions, zhan can't help it but be envious of lu bai, they have been trying for a baby for months now and nothing has happened, maybe after this he should meet a doctor to have a physical examination to see if their is anything wrong with him, he really wants to have a child of his own, he wants to make Wang yibo a father, give birth to a cute and fat baby!.

Xiao zhan decided to spend the night at the hospital with lu bai since will be allowed to go home the next day, zhan can't trust li shi who now is pretending to care and even wanting to get close, what if he has other plans of really wanting to end lu bai and the unborn baby!.

Zhan went out of lu bai room, he saw his husband who was still chatting with li shi.

"Hubby I want to speak with you." Zhan who still didn't look at li shi said.

Yibo got up where he seated and followed zhan to a far end corner and he couldn't help but hugged zhan from behind.

"I wonder what you were talking about with that ger, you two seems really close."

Zhan didn't refuse, even if this is the second time they met with lu bai, he just has the feeling that lu bai will never betray him like the others and the two will have a very good relationship starting from today.

"He is so pitiful, I want to take care of him until he has given birth, he doesn't have any family members, he is an orphan just like me, now that he is pregnant his husband is a jerk and keeps mistreating him, if my husband could mistreat me even after knowing that iam pregnant, I will never forgive such a person I will hate him forever, luckily my husband is so good." Zhan answered but didn't see Wang yibo expression at that moment.

Yibo panicked he never asked himself how xiao zhan could react if he knew in his last life not only did he tourture him the whole of the pregnancy period, but he never bothered to take xiao zhan to the hospital even after knowing Zhan was in labour, he chose to go out and have fun with his girlfriend Ye Bing and he still remembers instructing the maid's to make sure xiao zhan doesn't slack off on his work even if he was in labor!.

He was not sure what happened after he left but he only knows zhan gave birth alone without any help and after he came back he took the baby away and had xiao zhan resume back to his chores without any rest, he really was a monster and he doesn't deserve any forgiveness, xiao zhan is just too good to him, after everything horrible he did in his last life, zhan still chose to die with him rather than betraying him and living life of luxury, it's not easy to meet such a person.

"Zhan zhan.....I will make up everything that I did to you, I will never let you be wronged or suffer, I was stupid before and I will never make the same mistake again." Yibo said and hugged zhan tightly.

"That was the past now you're different, you kept your promise and treat me well, Iam really very grateful for that, by the way I will spend the night here, it's already late you should go back home and rest, tomorrow be sure to come and pick us up."

"But..." Yibo who didn't want to go back alone hesitated.

"No buts lu bai needs someone to take care of him and he really doesn't have anyone now."

Yibo although he was unhappy but he still has to compromise, this is all li shi fault if he didn't scare his ger and he almost died then right now he could have hugged xiao zhan and sleeping peacefully after working hard to have a baby soon.

SECOND CHANCE TO LOVE HIM BETTER ☑️(REBIRTH)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora