Chapter 39

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Heng picked me up from home , we reached the party venue .Grandma already reached the place with Joah.

Grandma, Freen walked towards grandma

Come freen , why are you so late ?

No grandma I had some assessment to complete it off today .

Freen you are going to be CEO soon , so be on time . Heng where is Mr.Armstromg , grandma asked heng

Grandma , he is on the way .

Is it Rebecca is coming with him , Grandma asked

I think so yes Grandma

Freen why grandma expecting Becky this much , Joah whispered in Freen ears

I don't know phi , she like her , Freen replied

Suspicious one , Joah said .

A Black Mercedes stopped in front of the venue , Richee who is in driver seat , get down from the car .

Mr. Armstrong opend the backseat door .

Becky get down from the car . Freen looked at Becky .Who is in full white , phi used to say Cinderalla usually wears white color . So Becky really looked like a cinderalla . Her father and brother also accompanied with white suit .

Heng walked towards them and invited them .

Becky looked at Freen , freen smiled at Becky .

Welcome Mr. Armstrong and this is your son , Grandma pointed Richee

Yes , William Richee Armstrong.

Welcome dear , hello Rebecca how are you , Grandma asked Becky

Fine grandma , how are you

Good , come in we will start the party .

Freen really scared , Joah holding freen hand inorder to reduce her tension .

Becky and Richee having their drinks . Becky keep on checking freen who is so scared .

Richee , just a minute i ll come back .

Freen , Becky touched freen shoulder

Yeah Becky .

Don't be afraid , we don't need to do this today itself ! Becky said

No Becky , I need to ...

Freen don't pressurized yourself .

But ... Freen stopped by grandma's voice .

Thanks for coming , Grandma said looking at the crowd .

This party is not just a collaboration one . Mr Armstrong i need to ask you something ?

Mr Armstrong looked at Grandma .

I need our relationship not only in business also in family too.

Everyone shocked with Grandma statement

Freen what is going on here , Joah asked

I don't know phi

Freen looked at Becky .

Mr Armstrong this party is also marriage proposal for Rebecca , Grandma said

Freen really confused

Rebecca are you interested to be a daughter in law for Chankimha family !!!

Becky is confused and stand like a statue .

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