Chapter 34

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Do you inform Joah , you are coming here ?

No , freen said

Ok just inform her and i ll bring you the food . Don't come out of the room .

Freen held Becky hand

Becky you are the most important person than anyone else in the world. For anything i cannot afford to lose you . I need sometime soon i ll clear all the things . Believe me Cinderalla.

Becky smiled and kissed Freen on the forehead , she left the room.

Freen called Joah after Becky left

Freen you made me scared , Joah said

Sorry phi , i did not inform you .

It's ok , but be careful . Grandma called me and she asked about you . I told her that you already slept .

Thanks phi , Good night

Good night freen , always i need your happiness . Stay safe .

Joah disconnected the call

Becky came with food in a plate .

Freen have it !! Becky gave the plate to freen . Freen looked at Becky with sad face .

What happened ? You don't want to eat , Becky asked

Can you please feed me ? Freen asked like a child

Sure !one moment , Becky washed her hands and she sat straight to freen . She started to feed her .

Thanks !!! Freen said

For what ?

Coming into my life , i never know that someone will make me this much happiness . I lost my mom and dad in the age of 6 after that grandma is only my family even she never spend her time with me , she always busy in business after phi enter into my life .she used to say lot of stories and she always encourage me . When i see my others friend I always miss my parents .Today i ll not because I had you next to me .

Becky smiled and pinched freen nose .

Oh it's paining , Freen rubbed her nose .

I love your nose and i need to bite it , Becky said

If you want do it !!!

Becky bites Freen nose .

Ouch ... Freen smiled

After feeding freen , Becky gave dress for freen to change . Freen change her dress and came out .

Pink suits you ! Becky said

Thanks !!

Ok come let sleep , I have lot of work tomorrow.

Freen slept left of the bed and Becky slept on the right .

Suddenly power is gone , Freen scared .

Soon Becky made freen to sleep on her arms and she patted freen head .

Don't be scared baby , i m next to you . Sleep well

Becky kissed freen forehead.

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