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The bifrost touched down outside the compound and she took a deep breath, looking up at the building. She took hold of both Loki and Thors hands, feeling nervous about seeing him again.

'Do not fret darling, we are with you..'.. Loki smiled down at her and she nodded.

'Im scared. What if they all hate me? What if he does?..'.. She said, fear evident in her voice.

'We are right here, we will support you..'.. Thor gave her a wink... 'Sister..'

That made her giggle, and she felt a little better... 'Thank you brothers..'.. She squeezed their hands and they chuckled. Together, they walked into the compound, heading for the main room.

'Friday, please inform the others we have arrived, but do not tell them about our guest, it is a surprise..'.. Thor says, looking up at the ceiling.

'Of course Thor..'..

'After this, I want to go see my girls, I miss them, and they deserve to know the truth..'.. She sighed, feeling her heart rate pick up, the closer they got to the main room.

'We will go wherever you wish..'.. Loki gives her hand a squeeze... 'I have yet to see your home, and your horses..'

She looked up at him smiling... 'Bonnie is like you, she likes to cause mischief..'

'Then she will be my horse for when I visit..'.. He smiled back, just as they walked through the doors, seeing the others there. She stopped, holding their hands tight, as everyone stared at her. She noticed that Clint wasn't there, and her heart sank.

'Mel?..'.. Her eyes found Barnes and she smiled, letting go of their hands and stepped forward, giving him a small smile.

'Hi gramps..'.. She felt tears well up in her eyes as he strode forward, wrapping her up in a hug. She couldn't hold it back, and burst out crying, holding onto him... 'Im sorry, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry..'

He held her tight... 'Its ok, it's ok Mel. I got you..'.. He looked between Thor and Loki... 'She was with you?..'

Loki cleared his throat and nodded... 'We found her a week after she left, and brought her to Asgard. We helped her, as did our mother and father. She no longer suffers with her nightmares..'.. Bucky saw Loki smile proudly... 'She is better now, and adopted royalty..'

'Wait, what?..'.. Steve stepped forward... 'Shes been on Asgard this whole time, and you didn't think to let us know? Do you have any idea how worried we have been? What Bucky had been through, thinking the worst?..'

'Im sorry, I didn't mean to worry any of you..'.. She stepped back, conjuring a handkerchief to wipe her face.

'Uh, how'd you do that?..'.. She looked over at Sam, seeing him shocked, and she giggled, making it disappear.

'Loki taught me a few things..'.. She clasped her hand in front of her, taking a deep breath... 'I am sorry, to all of you. For what I put you through, and the things I said when I had that breakdown..'.. It hurt her that he wasn't there. She looked back at Loki and Thor, holding out her hands to them. They both smiled and walked over, taking her hands again.

'They saved me, when I didn't know I needed it. Taking me to Asgard, was the start of healing. There I could unleash the pain, anger through training. Learn patience and acceptance through the magic I was taught. But it was Frigga that helped me the most. I opened up about everything, and she just hugged me, talking to me through it all. Gave me an elixir to help with the nightmares..'.. She gave them all a small smile.

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