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The team all gathered in the main room, and Tony looked around at them, and sighed... Every time we take down one base, another turns up..'. He drops the files on the table, and slides one to each of them... 'It seems that Hydra have created a new weapon, now that they no longer have the winter soldier..'.. Tony nods to Bucky... 'Intel suggests that they re-created the program..'.. He continues to fill them in on everything he knew.

Bucky opened the file, reading through it as Tony went on. There were no photos of the new weapon, but if the program had been restarted, then he knew it would be a person. He took a deep breath, letting out a heavy sigh, feeling empathy for whoever it was, as he knew how that torture felt.

'Is there any indication if the weapon is at this base?..'.. He heard Steve say, and he zoned out again, trying to think over his memories with Hydra. There were others in the winter soldier program but they had been killed by Zemo in an attempt to draw him and Stark together and drive a wedge between the team. Surprisingly, Tony had been angry, but not at him, at Hydra and at Zemo for making the two of them relive that moment.

Bucky remained lost in his thoughts, when one flitted around his mind. It was after his mission in 2004 at the hotel Inessa, he had returned to base and there in the main room, was a young woman, with dirty blonde hair, chained, hanging from the ceiling, while they experimented on her.

He remembered her gaze finding his, and all he saw, was dead eyes, no emotions except hatred and rage. There were bandages around the lower part of her face, covering her mouth. Though they experimented on her, she growled and grunted in pain, but she never screamed, he was sure she couldn't.

'The evolution of Hydra..'.. Is what he remembered spoken about her. She was the future, but he didn't see her again, not until 2009. She was a new solider, a mask on her face but the eyes were the same, dead nothing but compliance there. They were pitted against each other, trained together with the other 5 soldiers. Whatever they did to her, she was stronger, faster more deadly. She never made a mistake, not like him and the others.

He remembered her literally tearing one of the male soldiers, limb from limb, killing him so violently. Even in that moment, the soldier in him was afraid. Bucky remembered the fear of being near her. No mater how many times they wiped him, or put him in cryo, deep down, that fear of her still remained.

'Barnes you with us?..'.. His head snapped up at his name, as he looked around, seeing everyone watching him... 'Something you want to share?..'.. Tony asked him, and he shook his head.

He didn't want to say anything, knowing that if he did, they would try to go after her, Ace, that's what her name was in Hydra, as she always hit her targets, never missed, completed missions without fail, and instantly. The last thing he wanted, was to find out she was still alive, and coming for the team. He knew they would have no chance going up against her. Even now, 18 months after the day SHIELD fell, and he was saved, he could still feel the fear buried in him.


Soldat, missiya
(Soldier, mission)

The man called out through the grate into the cell, and he stepped back, watching as his team took stance, ready to shoot should the soldier give a fight. Orders were shoot to injure, not kill. This was the deadliest asset Hydra now had, after the failure of the winter soldier. When everyone was in position, he nodded to the cell guard, who opened it, and a figure emerged.

Soldat, idi v laboratoriyu dlya otsenki
(Soldier, go to the lab for evaluation)

The all made a path for the soldier, as they walked down the heavy hallway, towards the main lab. The man followed behind, keeping his guard up, with his hand in his gun, ready incase the soldier lashed out.

'Ah, soldier!..'.. Dr Oleg Volkov grinned as the soldier went straight for the table, and laid down on it, eyes focused on the ceiling. He was proud of their creation, the perfect weapon. After losing all the other soldiers, they had kept this one close, and now as they rebuild, the soldier would destroy their enemies, especially the Avengers.

'Has anyone touched the soldier?..'.. The doctor asked as he snapped on his gloves, glaring at the team as they spread out in the lab. The men shook their heads, and twitched nervously... 'I will know through my examination. No one touches the soldier!..'.. He barked out, and he move the trolley closer.

They all watched as the doctor did his job, sitting back in satisfactory that the examination was clear.

Odevaysya, soldat
(Get dressed, soldier)

The doctor pointed to the corner where the suit was and the mask. Again, the men parted, but watched as the soldier stripped off, and pulled on the suit, slipping the boots and mask on. They turned, stood ready and waiting for their next order.

tsel' missii. unichtozhit' mstiteley i zakhvatit' zimnego soldata. vernut'sya s nim zhivym i nevredimym lyubym sposobom
(Mission goal. Destroy the avengers and capture the winter soldier. Return with him alive and unharmed by any means)

The soldier nodded in acknowledgement, at the doctor, as one of his lab assistants came around and braided the soldiers hair back.

Ty ponyal menya, soldat?
(Do you understand me, soldier?)

The soldier nodded again, tilting their head to the side, ready for the shot they would receive. The doctor picked up the needle, and moved to the soldier, injecting them with a high dose. Though they had constantly had to wipe the soldier, they still had some fight in them to gain control. The shots were perfectly created to ensure they subdued the signals from the hippocampus to the amygdala. They did not know why the soldier would fight so hard to keep their memories, but they could not have their weapon, take control.

Dr Volkov stepped back, grinning at the soldier... 'You my darling girl, have such a bright future for us. Bring him back, alive. We will awaken the soldier in him again..'

Soldat, idi v oruzheynuyu i prigotov'sya. ty uyedesh' cherez chas. ne podvedi nas
(Soldier, go to the armory and get ready. You'll be leaving in an hour. Don't let us down)

The soldier nodded again, and strode from the lab, heading to where she was told to go, and the men followed ensuring that she was under control. Dr Volkov turned to the two way mirror at the other end of the lab and gestured for them to come out. The door next to the window opened, and three men walked out... 'Is she not perfect?..'.. He held his arms out, grinning.

One of the men, heavily scarred down one side looked towards the door she had left through... 'The last solider you had was defective..'.. He turned back tot he doctor... 'He failed his missions. How is she any better?..'

The doctor laughed, gleefully... 'She is more than better, she is perfect..'


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