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Clint woke up, realising his room was still dark. Checking the clock on his desk, it showed 7.14am, and wondered why there was no light coming through.

'Good morning Mr Barton. How many I help you?..'.. Clint flopped back in his bed, closing his eyes with a sigh. Of course she has an AI.

'Whats your name?..'.. He calls out, pinching the bridge of his nose before sitting back up.

'My name is Vee Mr Barton. Virtually Embodied Entity. It is now 7.15am. would you like me to raise your blinds for you?..'..

'Sure..'... He sighed and got out of bed. The blinds on the window began to open, and he could see the hustle of New York from the window.

'Miss Melody has prepared breakfast for you, and coffee is ready. The training rooms and pool are open to you, if you wish to use them..'..

'Where is she?..'.. He asks, pulling open his wardrobe, and pulling out some clothes.

'Miss Melody is currently taking a call in her office. Mr Barton, I understand your hesitancy, and mistrust, but I assure you, Miss Melody only has your and your family's safety in mind..'..

Clint didn't even answer, but got changed quickly, and used the bathroom, before heading out of the room, to check the whole penthouse out. There was a door to the right, further down the hallway, which he assumed was her room. Taking the path back to the main room, he saw how minimal it was. There were no personal effects, just furniture. Heading to the kitchen, he found a plate of pancakes with bacon, and a bottle of syrup next to it, with a note.

~You better eat up. Coffee is behind you if you want any, also in the fridge is cold drinks. Take some time to look around, and I'll join you at 8am~

Clint shook his head, but decided that it was best to just go along with what she said for now. He'd find a moment to get away from her, when they'd go out.


'You two find anything yet?..'.. Mel sat back in her chair, with her feet up on the desk, talking to Wade and Matt on a conference call.

'I've been following shaft, but so far I haven't seen his shaft..'.. She rolled her eyes at Wades comment.

'From our contacts, there is chatter about you. Frank wants to come back and assist, but I told him that he's needed there to protect the girls with Danny, Luke and Jessica. Foggy is over there now too..'.. Matt informs her, and she drums her nails on the desk.

'Wade, if I call in a few old friends, think you can behave?..'.. She asked him.

'Depends..'.. She cleared her throat and he huffed... 'I'll be a good little bitch, how about that?..'

'If you want to get paid your bonus, you will..'.. She drops her feet, and merges in another call.

'You know, I have heard trouble about you, from all the way over here..'... She smiled hearing his voice.

'You know I like to make an impression. This is me, calling in that favour. Can you two help?..'.. She asked, and his voice changed.

'Yeah yeah, course, sure. Uh, one question, how are we going to get over there fast enough?..'.. She chuckled, as his voice changed back... 'He doesn't know you well enough yet. We'll be ready. We're in Cairo, as you can imagine as to why..'

'Who is the sexline operator? I'm getting so hard just listening to him talk, just don't stop, I'm almost there..'... Wade made some obscene noises, and Mel let out a breath.

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