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After using a portal to get away from the compound, Mel had returned back to her penthouse, and let all her emotions out. She had completely trashed and destroyed the place, not caring about it. She needed to rage, and this was the best place at such short notice.

When she had expelled enough of her anger, she had Vee contact Jessica, letting her know it was now safe for the girls to return. She had walked into her office, sitting down at her laptop, and leaving messages for a few people. She wouldn't die, not today at least. She just needed to get as far away from New York as she could.

She headed back to her room, and changed out of the suit quickly, not even bothering to pack a bag, there was one place she could go, no one knew about.

Creating a portal, she stepped through to her cabin, and headed straight for her couch as it closed behind her and dropped down, crying.


She had woken up, feeling exhausted from the few hours of sleep she had, due to the nightmares. She hated what had happened, that she had let it all out in front of them. Seeing the old her, stood there, it all rushed out of her, but at least now, she would no longer be hunted by Hydra, if anything it would be the avengers coming for her.

Sitting up and running her hands over her face, she looked around her small cabin, sighing. What was she going to do, now that they all knew.

She had spent a week there, but her nightmares were not getting any better. She was barely sleeping, or eating, spending most of her days, on the couch, watching the team as they continued about their lives.

Every time she saw Barton, she felt a sharp pain in her chest, as though someone was trying to rip out her heart. Loki and Thor had returned to Asgard. Rogers, Romanoff, Barnes and Wilson were out on missions, while the others trained, ready for when they would be needed, while Matt, Stephen and Raven had all returned to their places.

Closing her laptop, she put it down on her coffee table, and reached for her drink. She had lost count of how many bottles of alcohol she had gone through, hoping to just once, be drunk enough to pass out and sleep.

Just as she was going to drink it, there was a knock on the cabin door. Mel froze, wondering who the hell it was. Putting her glass down, she got up quietly, and reached under the couch, pulling out a gun she had hidden there. Making her way to the door, she took the safety off, yanking the door open and aiming... 'What the fuck are you doing here?...'

She lowered her gun, and slipped the safety back on as she looked between them... 'We had assistance in locating you. We spoke with our mother, she can help you..'.. Loki says, as he gives her a small smile. He could clearly see how affected she was. Her eyes held dark circles, her body pale and thin... 'We would like to bring you to Asgard, and help you..'

She sighed, and stepped back, letting them into the cabin... 'No one can help me. I don't need help, I got out by myself, and took them down, so I'm fine..'.. She moved to the kitchen, grabbing a fresh bottle of bourbon, and two glasses for them. Moving to the couch, she sat down, pouring them both a glass... 'You can sit down you know..'.. She gestured for them to, and they did.

'Lady Melody..'.. She held up a hand, stopping Thor, and shaking her head.

'Its Mel, I'm not a lady..'.. She picked up her glass again, knocking it back, and pouring herself another glass... 'As you can see, I'm still alive, but don't think about telling the others where I am...'

Loki reached over and took the bottle from her, to stop her drinking... 'Then come for a visit. Being on another world, may give you some peace..'

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