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She giggled as she jogged through the fields, thinking he was right behind her. The dew grass brushed against her legs, tickling her. She kept going, turning her head to check where he was, and reached up to grab hold of her long dirty blonde hair from flying into her emerald green eyes... 'Can't catch me. I'm going to win, and you have to pay up..'... She shouted out to him. Even though she couldn't quite see him, she knew he was nearby.

The tree was just up ahead, and she was determined to win this time. He was her best friend, her only friend, and the two of them shared the small tent, in the circus grounds. With no family, and no home, she had been lost, until he had found her, saved her.

For the past 2 years, she stayed with him, and travelled with the circus they both now worked for. Though they hated it, for now it was the only home they knew. The pittance they were paid, both saved it up, waiting until they had enough to leave.

She pushed herself faster, the tree now within 30 steps of her, when she saw him come around from behind it, grinning at her. She gasped and growled at him, slowing herself down until she had a brisk pace, her hands on her hips... 'No fair, how do you always do that!..'... She caught her breath and walked over as he came to sit in front of the tree.

His boyish face lit up as she came to sit with him and he nudged her with his shoulder... 'I'm a ninja, can't tell you all my secrets..'.. She leaned back against the trunk, looking down the small hill towards the circus. Right now, they were set up in Abbot, Maine, and she thought the town was quite pretty.

She sighed, knowing how much they both hated their parts in the business... 'I don't want to do this anymore, I want to leave. Jacques and Buck keep watching me..'.. She shook her head, knowing that the two men 'swordsman' and 'trickshot' were embezzling from the circus. She had caught them a few nights before, and she was terrified they would hurt her.

He put his arm around her, pulling her in close... 'We'll leave tonight..'.. He turned to her, seeing the fear... 'When it starts, we'll run..'

She nodded at him, hoping they would get away... 'Im scared. I know we're still kids, but I'd rather live on the streets than stay here any longer..'.. Though he was 17 and she was 15, he was always protecting her.

He knew the men had taken an interest in her, especially now she was getting older. He had always stayed in the shadows, watching over her, making sure none of the men came for her, but considering what she told him Jac and Buck had been doing, he knew they'd hurt her, or worse.

'Only pack what you need. I'll get our money, and we'll meet back here, promise me..'.. He said, holding her by her shoulders. She smiled at him, nodding.

'I promise, I'll be here..'.. She looked over to where the circus was set up and sighed... 'We should get back and keep busy, until it's time..'.. He stood, holding a hand out to her, and she took it. They both walked next to each other, making light conversation about how their futures would be.

She wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of her life with him. She knew her crush would never go away, he made her feel safe, loved. She would follow him to the ends of the earth, if he wanted her there.

Taking a deep breath, they made their way through the town, and she felt a heavyness within her. She was terrified that they would be found out, but for now she had to keep it up, and play along. There wasn't really anything she wanted to take with her, except her necklace he got her, and the Walkman. He knew how much she loved to sing, and would always find her a new cassette for her to listen to, and sing with.


He panted as he ran, knowing she was behind him... 'Whatever you do, don't stop. We have to split up but meet me at the diamond, remember that?..'.. He heard her say and he looked back at her, nodding.

'I remember..'.. He took a left, and ran hoping to draw the attention to him so she would be free. He knew where to go, to the baseball field in Guilford. They had been there 2 weeks before and they had laid on the diamond, laughing and joking that they would play there one day.

He kept running, hearing nothing but the sounds of crickets, his feet pounding the dirt. He wanted to get her away, after hearing what Jac had planned to do to her. He had sneaked into the boss' tent, and stole a lot of money, that would help him and her start off somewhere new, he just hadn't expected to hear what was said.

He had rushed from the tent to find her, only to see that she was being pinned down by Buck, and he took one of the juggling pins, hitting the man around the head with it, before grabbing her hand, dragging her away.

Both had been running, but the men were faster. He didn't want to split up, but he trusted her, knowing she wouldn't leave him. Though they were young he loved her, but he would never make her uncomfortable, he would give his life to protect her.

Reaching the outskirts of Abbot, he slid down into a small ditch, laying on his back to catch his breath. He wanted to go back and find her, he needed to know she was safe. Hissing at the ache in his arm, he put his other hand over it. Buck may be 'trick shot' but the guys aim wasn't as good as his.


She watched him run on, giving him a moment to get away before turning around and heading back. She knew they wouldn't give up until they got what they wanted, and she wanted to protect him. She continued back, until she saw Jac, and he stalked to her, back handing her so hard, he knocked to the floor, and she cried out in pain.

'You stupid bitch!..'.. He marched up to her, gripping her by her hair and dragging her to her feet... 'Where is he? Where's my money?..'.. He growled in her face. She didn't care what they would do to her, but when it came to him, she would never break.

Smiling up at Jac, she spat in his face... 'Gone, free..'.. She wouldn't give him up, no matter the cost. Clint Barton was her first and only love, her best friend, her saviour.

Jac wiped his face and leaned into her, as he held her hair tight in his fist... 'You'll be singing for us by the time we're done with you. You'll tell us where he is..'.. Jac pulled one of his knives free, trailing it from her cheek, down her body.

Though she was terrified, knowing what they would do, she didn't care, as long as he was free... 'You won't break me..'.. She smiled again... 'So you may as well kill me..'

Jac laughed, and he turned, dragging her by her hair... 'Oh mon joli petit oiseau chanteur (my pretty little songbird) We won't kill you, you have far more uses than just your voice..'.. She closed her eyes, focusing on Clint, his eyes, his face, his smile. Whatever they would do to her, she would retreat into her mind, with him as her only solice.


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