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Clint and the others stroll off the jet and back into the compound. They had stayed the rest of the day at the farm with her, and she showed them around her land. She had told them as much as she wanted to, and explained her situation with the women she took care of.

Clint admired her more than when he first met her at the bar as Mel. After everything she had been through, she still wasn't letting it control her life. Instead, she uses her past, to protect the women and children she cares for.

'Im not going to lie, kinda girl crushing on her a little bit..'.. Nat chuckles, as they head to the main room.

'Still, it's weird, knowing she's my grand daughter..'.. Bucky shook his head... 'Makes sense though..'

'How so?..'.. Steve asked, frowning across at him and Bucky just grins.

'Considering how strong and awesome she is, she's definitely a Barnes..'.. Nat snorted at Bucky, rolling her eyes.

'You still going to try and kill her though, or have you reigned in your paranoia now that you know?..'.. Nat asks sarcastically, slapping the back of her hand to his chest.

'Funny Nat, real fucking funny..'... He slapped her ass hard, and jogged off, leaving her clutching her cheeks, shrieking.

'Im going to rip off that fucking arm and beat you with it Barnes, just you wait..'.. Nat chases after him, leaving Steve and Clint laughing.

'So, what was all that about between you both this morning, before you came back to the house?..'.. Steve asked, smiling across to Clint.

'I couldn't sleep, so I went down to the stable. One of the horses looked like her pen needed a clean out, so I thought I'd do it, just to keep busy. Tess, I mean Mel, she came out, I'm guessing the same reason. We talked a little and then the horse knocked me over..'.. Clint sighed.

'She was laughing. She sounded happy, relaxed..'... Steve said, clapping him on the shoulder... 'She clearly still cares about you. Tess, Ace, Mel. She's been through more than anyone should ever go through, right now, she might still be trying to figure out when she fits in from it all, still trying to find herself..'

They enter the main room, to see Bucky pinned down by Nat, and shes trying to take his arm off... 'Can someone get her off me, for fuck sake..'.. He burst out laughing as she tickled him.

'Im not getting involved..'.. Steve shook his head in amusement, seeing that the others were around but no one made an effort to help Bucky... 'Sorry pal, you're on your own..'

'So, how'd it go? Those two are being children and haven't said anything yet..'.. Tony gestures to both former assassins, and they roll about on the floor, having a tickle fight now.

Steve and Clint gesture for the others to join at the table and they all sit down, listening to Steve and Clint as they fill the team in on what happened.

'Wait, back up. She wants to talk about my systems?..'.. Tony looks between the two, realising. He looks up at one of his cameras and grins... 'Well played Bird, I'm impressed..'.. He looks around at the others and shrugs... 'I am. So, is she the one going after Hydra?..'

'Yeah she told us. Said that she wants to keep her identity for now. Once Hydra is down, she will tell the world her story. She's been using our intel and gone after them..'... Clint said, sitting back.

'Alone?..'.. Bruce asks, leaning on the table... 'But, it takes all of us to take down a base, how can she do it alone?..'

'You do remember when she beat the shit out of us last year, right?..'.. Pietro chuckles.

'Not something I'd forget..'.. Wanda shook her head... 'Do you know why my powers won't work on her?..'

'No, we didn't think of that..'.. Steve took off his shoe and threw it at Nat and Bucky... 'Do you two want to quit it? Can't hear ourselves with you two screeching like hyenas..'

'Sorry..'.. They said at the same time, and got up off the floor.

'She said she'd be back in a few days, so we can ask when she comes over..'... Steve shrugged.

'Can we be certain, that she is no longer under Hydras control? Or that there is a possible motive, behind her actions?..'.. Vision asked, sitting forward at the table.

'Again, we don't know. But with everything that we do know, she just wants to take them down, and live the rest of her life free. Can't blame her for that..'.. Bucky said, shoving Nat onto a couch, and moving to stand behind Steve, his hands on his shoulders.

'Ok, so we all have a lot of questions, my main one is, can she work with us, to end Hydra?..'.. Tony looks around at the others.

'Im sure she'd end them herself, and not because of what they did to her..'.. Nat got up, and moved over to them... 'She'd do it to protect Clint..'.. They all look over to him, and he drops his head, shaking it.

'Shes not the same person anymore Nat, she's not my Tess..'.. He sighed.


She knew he would hesitate to pick up, but if she had to call a forth time, she would go back, just to slap him. He eventually answered, and she heard him sigh... 'Im not sorry Mel..'

'Oh, we are way past apologies Murdock. How dare you tell them where I am, and give them the drive? I trusted you, and you broke it. Why?..'.. She fought her anger, pacing back and forth in her living room.

'It was time Mel. They needed to know. You can be angry and pissed at me all you want, but you know they had to find out..'..

'It wasn't the right time! I would've gone to them myself, when Hydra was completely gone! I told you this, you know I did..'.. She pinched the bridge of her nose, taking deep breaths.

'You are pushing yourself too much Mel. You're not eating properly anymore, or sleeping. You're taking on too much, you need their help..'.. He sighed... 'You need him..'

'I don't need anyone! I can do this myself..'.. She practically shouted.

'And look at what it's doing to you! You think just because I'm blind, that I don't see what's happening to you? You're killing yourself Mel! You need to let them help you, you need to give yourself time to rest, to heal..'..

'Im fine Murdock! I have no injuries, no wounds. And I'm not stopping until Hydra is dead. I won't stop, I can't stop!..'.. She felt herself begin to panic, and she clutched her chest, dropping to her knees, her breathing getting rapid... 'I-I ca-cant let them hurt him..'

'Mel, focus on my voice, focus on me alright..'.. She heard his voice come through, soothing her... 'Im right here Mel, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have shouted at you, but right now, I need you to take deep breaths, and tell me what's next to happen to the farm..'

Mel struggled, but she took a deep breath, in and out, repeating it until she felt herself begin to calm... 'Building pens for dogs, create a shallow pool for them too..'

The two kept talking for a little longer, and Mel knew he was right. She couldn't keep doing this alone. She was pushing herself too hard, and if she broke, she wouldn't be good for her girls, or Barton, she had to protect them all.


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