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Clint wanted to go back, as there was something about her that niggled at him. He walked back into the bar, while the other two waited outside, and headed over to the young girl, Ava... 'Hi, Ava, right?..'.. She nodded at him, narrowing her eyes as he spoke.

'We just spoke with Miss Bird but I had another question I wanted to ask, could I go back up and see her?..'.. He asked.

'I'll give her a call..'.. She tapped her ear, and he realised she had a comm in... 'Vee, is Mel available?..'.. Clint watched as panic set into her features, and she looked up, at the ceiling... 'Call Matt and Tina..'.. She paused again, sighing in relief a little, before looking at him... 'Sorry Mr Barton, but she's indisposed at the moment..'

Clint could see worry in her face as her eyes flicked back up again... 'What's happened?..'.. He asked, and the door opened, Steve and Nat came back in.

'Everything ok?..'.. Nat looked between him and the girl, he shook his head.

'Somethings wrong. Ava is in a panic, and she said Bird is indisposed..'.. Clint turned back to Ava... 'Look, if she's hurt or in trouble we can help..'

Ava shook her head at him... 'No one goes up there unless I say so. Matt is on his way to see her, so you can go about your day..'.. She fixed them all with a look, and let out a little breath, hearing Matt in her ear, telling her he just pulled up outside... 'Whatever it is you wanted to speak to her about, I'll have her contact you later to arrange a meeting...'

The door opened, and the three turned. Steve sighed, as it was the blind lawyer walking in. He acknowledged them, but headed straight for the back door, to the office... 'Ava, Tina is on her way, so if you have any problems, let her know. I'm sure she would have a lot of fun. No one to disturb us unless it's an emergency..'

'You got it Matt..'... Ava called to him as he went through the door... 'So, what's it like being a superhero?..'.. She looked at the three in front of her.

'What?..'.. Steve asked her, confused.

Ava shrugged at him... 'Well I'm doing an article on you guys. It's been quiet the last few months, not heard anything about the avengers fighting anyone. So, does that mean that you're no longer needed?..'


Matt had Vee unlock her office door, and he went inside, though he couldn't see, he could tell where she was. Moving around the room, he made it to the couch, feeling her arm. He was careful where he placed his hands on her, thankful to find her face up. If she was down or on her left side, she would have interfered with her nanomask.

'Mel? Mel come sweetheart, wake up..'... He gave her a little shake, but she wasn't stirring. His hand slid down to her hip, so she was half on her side, and half on her back... 'Not how I wanted to do this the first time but..'.. He slapped her ass, hard, and she woke up in a shock, sitting up and ready to swing for him. He caught her hand, and could feel her glaring at him.

'Welcome back..'.. He smirked, feeling the tension radiate off her, as she took dep breaths. He shifted to sit next to her, letting her arm go.

'Dont think you can do that all the time..'.. She huffed out at him, standing up and heading to her little bathroom to check herself over.

'No, only when you're passed out. It's not like I could slap your face..'.. He called to her, and she checked her mask and contacts. Everything was still in place and she sighed.

'Thank you Matt, for coming..'.. She headed back into her office, and cleared up the beer bottles, getting her and him a scotch instead. She went back to him with his drink, seeing the other three downstairs... 'They left..'.. She sat down, watching them... 'Why are they still here?..'

'Im not too sure, they were already here when I arrived, but it seems Ava has given them quite the talking to..'.. Matt chuckled, as took a sip of his drink. He heard her sigh... 'You can't keep this up for much longer Mel, they're going to find out eventually..'

'I know. When Casey told me she was seeing Wilson, she was so happy, being with someone who treated her right. I want that for her, to have someone who loves her and the kids, she deserves it..'.. She felt her eyes prickle seeing Barton downstairs... 'I'll never have that, but the girls will..'

'You deserve to be happy Mel. He's right there..'.. He reached over, taking her hand... 'You've loved him for years, even when you didn't know who he was, he was still there with you. If he knew, then I'm sure he'd be happy to have you in his life again..'

'I know him well enough, that he'll blame himself Matt..'.. She shook her head... 'I don't want him to feel that..'.. She looked back out the window, hearing a commotion, and then Rogers rushed back up to her office, the other two in tow. Mel sighed, and quickly wiped her eyes. She couldn't have anything disrupting her mask.

Her door burst open, and she turned, seeing Rogers staring at her... 'Mr Rogers, I'm not sure if you're aware of this concept..'.. She stood up, and heard Matt chuckle quietly... 'When a door is closed, and you know someone is indisposed, the correct thing to do, is knock..'.. She folded her arms as the other two came in.

'Funny thing..'.. He walked towards her... 'Ava said something, and it made me think..'

'No offence Mr Rogers but it surprises me that you can..'.. She gave him a blank look, and kicked Matt with her foot as he laughed.

'How does Ava know that we have been quiet for a few months? No real missions? She said she met you about 9 months ago, and when I asked if anyone knew you longer than a year, she said she didn't know..'... He got closer, almost in her personal space.

'I have, as well as my colleagues at the firm, and detective Cruz..'... Matt said as he stood up, he smiled and reached out, placing a hand to her back... 'If you have any more questions for my client, I suggest you don't throw any accusations, or insinuate anything that would cause grounds for defamation..'

Mel could see Rogers jaw tick in frustration... 'Ava is currently doing a degree in journalism and media. She has been in awe of you all, since you first formed. So naturally, she will be interested in you, and probably know more about you than I..'

'Steve, come on, let's go..'.. Romanoff pulled on his arm, and he eventually moved, going back out the door. Barton however, hesitated, looking at her again, before he shook his head and left. Mel watched them leave the bar again, and she let out a breath.

'I wish I could get drunk, I really need to get wasted..'.. She sighed, and Matt laughed. She sat him back down, talking about her new project, the community center.


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