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Bucky ducked, avoiding Steves punches as they trained. He had barely slept, as his memories became his nightmares. Flashes of Ace fluttered through his mind and he hesitated, giving Steve the upper hand and he got knocked to the mat.

'Buck, what's going on with you?..'.. Steve stood over him, holding out a hand to help him up. Bucky took it, getting to his feet.

'Just worried about the mission. I just got a bad feeling about it..'.. He sighed, heading over to his bag and unwrapping his hand. He looked around, seeing Nat and Sam going hand to hand, and Barton was over in the corner on the bag... 'This weapon of theirs, what if it is another one like me?..'

'Then we take them down and bring them back to help us..'.. Steve sat down on the bench, taking off his wraps.

Bucky hoped it wasn't Ace. He knew that no one had a chance of stopping her. Until they found out who or what the weapon was, he would keep it to himself. He cared about the team, his family and not to mention he got to work with the person he loves.

'If you wasn't staring off into space, I'd think that smile was for me..'.. Nat nudged him as she walked past to her bag.

'I swear you're all trying to kill me..'.. Sam was breathing hard from exertion as he joined them... 'If it wasn't for my wings, I wouldn't be on this team..'

Bucky chuckled, as much as Sam was annoying, he was a good friend... 'I'd like to think it's your winning personality that's the reason..'.. Sam laughed as he dropped to sit next to Steve.

'Damn man, about time to see some sort of smile from you. Always thought you'd be the grumpy one of the team..'.. Sam said as he reached for his water.

'Getting laid on a regular basis would make anyone smile. That serum does wonders..'.. Nat winked at him and he shook his head at her.

'You'll never find out Romanoff..'.. Bucky slapped her ass and smirked at Steve... 'I've not had any complaints from the captain..'

Steve sighed, shaking his head at Bucky... 'Maybe it's because your dick is always in my mouth..'

Sam spat his water out, coughing hard as he struggled to breath. Nat burst out laughing and Barton chuckled as he came over... 'Honestly starting to think Barnes has corrupted you Cap, you would usually be the one tell us off for talking like that..'.. He slapped Sam on the back a few times to help him.

'Fuck me..'.. Sam drew in a breath.

'No thanks, I'm a one man at a time kind of guy..'.. Bucky grinned.

'Boss is calling for a meeting in 10 minutes. Romanoff, Wilson and the super duo. More intel has been found..'.. Friday alerted them, and they all packed their stuff up, heading out of the gym.

'I got $20 that we have to leave in the next few hours..'.. Nat called back to the guys.

'Shes got an amazing ass..'.. Sam said wistfully, earning a slap across the back of his head from Clint... 'What was that for?..'

Clint shot him a look... 'Just a reminder that she can kick your ass and kill you while you sleep..'

'Sure you two never?..'.. Sam waves his hand in indication as they walk down the hallway to the meeting room.

Clint shook his head. Though his marriage ended when he became part of the avengers, during the battle of New York, he knew deep down, he couldn't really settle. Laura was amazing and understanding, he did love her, but he couldn't say he was in love with her. She had remarried, and had a kid, now pregnant with her second.

As he thought about it, an old memory, a face came to the front of his mind. The sandy blonde hair, deep green eyes that sparkled with a smile, threw him back 15 years. God, he missed her.

He had waited all night, not sleeping and she didn't show. He had then made his way back, finding that the circus was packing up and he stayed hidden, listening to conversations and finding out that she had apparently jumped off a bridge, into the rocky waters below. Though there were witnesses to say they saw her do it, her body was never recovered.

He didn't want to believe she was dead. Even after he had joined SHIELD, he had their resources to look into it, but there wasn't any records that she even existed. He headed off to his room, leaving the others.


They all entered the meeting room, taking their seats as Tony looked up at them.

'Ok, our new intel came in, saying that the weapon has left Russia and is on its way here. Though it is still unknown as to what the weapon is, or how it's getting here, I have Friday tracking all possibilities. Planes, ships, private aircrafts. Anything that has left Russia in the past 7 days, coming for the US..'.. Tony tells them as he sits back.

'And what if they do a change over, on the way?..'.. Nat asked, growing at him... 'Plane one way, ship another?..'

'Already on it. Friday is running scenarios, and tracking all possible leads. Interpol, CIA and other agencies are aware. Whatever it is, we will find out..'.. Tony ran a hand over his face.

'What is it's a nuke? Or a bio weapon?..'.. Sam leans his elbows on the table, looking around... 'Say it comes in on an aircraft, and they just fly over, dropping whatever it is. This is too much of a risk to play 'maybes'..'

Bucky remained silent, lost in his thoughts again... 'Yoy have a theory Buck..'.. His head came up, as Steve said his name.

'No I don't..'.. He frowned at her, and he gave him a concerned look.

'You're in your head again..'.. Steve frowned at him.

'Whats the theory? You were in there, so you would know better than us..'.. Sam asks, turning his chair to look at Bucky.

He closed his eyes shaking his head... 'That they made another soldier..'.. He turned to Tony... 'You said the other day, that they were doing human experiments, and trying to reactivate the winter soldier program. What if they already succeeded, and that's their weapon?..'

'The thought had crossed my mind, but from what we have found since Hydras uprising, is that there is no solid proof that they have..'.. Tony puts his feet up on the table as he leaned back.

'There was another soldier..'.. Bucky sighed... 'When we were in Siberia at the facility, I didn't get a good look at the soldiers, so I couldn't be sure if they were all accounted for. There was me and five others. I trained them, I had to make them better fighters than me. One day, another came in..'.. He stared off, trying to control his hands from shaking.

'They were stronger, faster, better. Ripped one of the others apart in front of the rest of us. The soldier in me got scared. Whoever it was, they were lethal. In Siberia, when we saw the 5 chambers and that Zemo had killed them in their sleep, I had hoped that one, was among them..'.. He clenched his fists... 'If they're alive, then there's no telling what Hydra will do..'

'Great, winter soldier 2.0..'.. Tony rolled his eyes as he dropped his feet down... 'Fine, ok. So here's a plan..'.. He tells them what their mission is, hoping that they actually find something to point them in the right direction. If they can get a hold of this weapon, whatever it is, maybe they had a chance of destroying Hydra for good.


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