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She put down the papers and charcoal, brushing her fingertips through the grass to wipe them. Looking out at the view, she couldn't help but feel peaceful. Here, it was beautiful. To look towards the sky, and see the stars waving at her, even with the sun still up. Uncrossing her legs, she stretched them out, and leaned back on her hands, closing her eyes as the light breeze tickled her skin, the sounds of the people dancing along the wind.

'I heard you coming, so don't just stand there watching me, it's creepy..'... She smiled, and he chuckled, coming closer.

'How are you? Are you feeling better?..'.. Loki sat down beside her and she hummed a noise in acknowledgement... 'I have heard that you are ready to return..'.

'Yeah, I am..'.. She opened her eyes, turning to smile at him... 'Thank you, for everything. Bringing me here, helping me..'

'You have come a long way, in a short amount of time..'.. He nudged her with his shoulder and she nodded, sitting up.

'How long has it been for them?..'.. She asked, tucking her hair behind her ears.

'Almost four months. Time moves differently here..'.. Both turned to the Thor behind them, and she chuckled,  patting the grass on her right side.

'Sit your perky ass down..'.. Both men laugh, but he does as she says, and the three sit quietly for a moment... 'Why the fuck would anyone want to leave here?..'.. She sighed, looking over at the Asgardian palace, the city below it to the right.

'I hope you do not speak like that in front of the queen and the Allfather..'.. Thor smiles at her.

'Of course I do. Like it matters anyway..'.. She snorted in response... 'I love your parents. I wish mine were like that..'.. she looked down at her hands... 'If my mother loved me, even half of what Frigga does for you two, maybe I wouldn't have gone through all that..'

'Then you may not have met Barton..'.. Loki tells her, taking her hand in his... 'You miss him..'

'I do, I miss my girls, the kids, my friends..'... She spotted the bifrost in the distance, and smiled, knowing that she was healing... 'But I am going to miss here though. Everyone has been amazing, especially Frigga. The talks, the elixir, her magic..'.. Mel took a breath... 'I no longer have the nightmares, I sleep peacefully. She has helped me to accept my past..'

'She has been busy this afternoon, wanting to host a ball before you leave tomorrow..'.. Thor smiles across at her... 'You must dance with me..'

'I don't really have a choice, do I..'.. She stuck her tongue out at him... 'But I'm still not wearing a dress..'

Loki laughed, and she leaned her head on his shoulder... 'Can I come back some day?..'

'Of course. You will always be welcome. Everyone here loves you, and cares about you. I'm sure they would love to see you again..'.. Thor tells her.

'Even Volstagg?... She raised her head, looking at him, her eyes gleaming with mischief.

When she had first arrived, she found that Volstagg hadn't believed that Loki had changed, but instead would make remarks about him. Mel had challenged him to training, wanting to put him in his place. She impressed everyone, winning each time, until he conceded, and apologised to Loki. Volstagg would still huff and pout, with Hogan and Fandral teasing him over being beaten by a mortal.

Sif was lovely, kind and her biggest champion. She had been amazed at what Mel could do, and asked to be taught to fight the same way. Mel was honoured, and taught the woman everything she could.

Loki and Thor had taken to showing her around Asgard, as well as training with her, and Loki teaching her magic. She had taken to it quite quickly, and could now cast illusions, teleport and shapeshift.

What had surprised her, and everyone else, was when she was training with Thor, knocking his hammer from his hand, and putting him down. She had gone to retrieve the hammer, picking it up and handing it back to him. Odin just laughed, while Frigga was smiling proudly at her. They told her what it meant, but to hear she was worthy, it meant something else entirely to her.

Odin did ask if she wished to marry one of his sons and become queen but she laughed it off, thanking him for the offer but she wanted to return home.

'Volstagg will come around one day..'.. Thor pats her shoulder.

'Well then, seeing as we have to attend a party tonight, I guess I better go get ready. You are both dancing with me tonight, no exceptions..'.. She stood up, ponting a finger at both of them.

'It would be my honour darling..'.. Loki stood, picking up her papers and charcoal for her... 'Would you like us to escort you back?..'

'Of course. Wouldn't want your mother thinking that you are not behaving like proper gentlemen now, would we?..'.. She linked her arms with theirs, and Loki used his magic to send her things back to her room.

'We are gods pet, not men..'.. Loki rolled his eyes at her as they headed back.

'Thor, your brother called me pet again..'.. She looked up at him grinning, and heard Loki sigh.

'Miss Melody is not an animal brother, must you demean her as such?..'.. Thor scolds Loki and she giggles.

'One of these days, I will get you back for this. He acts more of your brother than mine, since you have arrived..'.. Loki teases her.

'She is strong, beautiful, smart and deadly brother. Though she looks more like me than you do. It is not surprising if anyone should think she is my sister..'.. Thor smiled smugly, as they headed up the steps into the palace.

'I believe she came to me for assistance before, and not you. If anyone should be her brother, it is I..'.. Mel burst out laughing, at the two of them bickering.

'I do hope that not one of you is being improper..'.. They all stop and turn, seeing Frigga with her ladies, watching them. Mel drops into a courtesy.

'Not at all my queen. They were in fact arguing about who is more of a brother to me. I am flattered, and adore them both as though they were..'.. Mel smiled at her, and Frigga dismissed her ladies, coming to take Mel's hands in hers.

'You have been quite the breath of fresh air we did not know we needed. You have made such a difference to my sons since they have known you, and for that I am forever grateful. Of course they would see you as a sister, and I have come to see you as a daughter..'.. Mel was floored by her words... 'You are more than welcome to return any time my dear. Now come, we must get you ready for this evening..'

Frigga shooed her son's away, and took Mel's arm, guiding her to her room. Mel was still stunned, and felt overwhelmed by the kindness that had been shown to her. For once, she felt a mother's love, and it was beautiful.


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