Chapter 1 - Cruelty

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A/N - Hello everyone! First chapter, yeet. The updates will be quite frequent, i think. If i wont update for a while i will let you guys know. Have fun! 

Dearest Regards, the Author.


Darkness. Pitch Black Darkness. And cold. Was this what death felt like? Was she finally free of her suffering? Y/N didnt want to open her eyes. She wanted this feeling of peace to continue. She did not want to go back. Everything went so fast. She remembered someone calling her name. Was it the traveller? She didn't know. Then, after she teleported, she saw a bright light engulfing her and a man with a mask, stabbing a sword through her head. The memory stopped there. Had she failed her duty to protect? But now, all of this didn't matter anymore. She was dead. She was in peace. Finally free.

"Uhm.. Ma'am? Are you alright? Why are you laying here in the snow?" 

Y/N's golden eyes shot open, her hand instinctively wandering to grab her polearm. There was nothing. Looking around, she found the greenish-glowing weapon laying a few feet away from her. She disappeared in a green glow, swiftly picking up her polearm and pointing it at the young male infront of her. 

"Who are you. Where am i. Answer me, mortal." 

The young mans reddish eyes widened as he raised his arms over his head.

"Please calm down. My name is Kamado Tanjiro and you are in Japan."

Y/N raised a brow at the man, lips forming a slight frown. Japan? She never heard of it. Kamado? Sounded like a name from Inazuma. Y/N walked towards the male, inspecting him. He had dark brown hair with a reddish hue to it, dark red eyes and a scar on his forehead. He wore two white earrings with sun symbols on them. His hair was short and he looked like he was about 15 years old. A child? What would a child do in a place like this? Y/N wasnt to fond of Mortals, or how Morax wanted her to call them, Humans. How would she survive in a place like this? Did she still have her elemental power? Touching her forearm, she felt the green gem on it, a sigh leaving her Lips. The voice of the young man spoke up, snapping her out of her thoughts. 

"Ma'am? Would you like to come with me? I am on my way to a village down the mountain at the moment to sell the coal i have on me! Afterwards, you could come to my house! It is up the mountain. I'm sure my family would be glad to share a meal with you."

Y/N's Eyes widened. It was very rare for someone to offer her such a friendly gesture. Weighting her options, she deceided it would be better to follow him for now since he knew his way around.

"Alright. Thank you."

With those words she started walking behind the young man, observing him. The coal on his back looked quite heavy.

"Mort- Kamado. Do you want me to help you carry the coal?"

The young boy turned around, a soft smile on his lips. 

"No need Miss. I got it!"

Y/N tilted her head to the side at his words. His smile made her feel warm inside. Peaceful. Nodding, she deceided to protect him. At least for a while. The two of them quickly reached the bottom of the mountain, a small path leading them into a village. Many of the villagers stared at Y/N since she looked, well, unusual. She was rather muscular for a woman and her tight fitted white shirt and the green tattoo on her left shoulder as well as her unnatural haircolor made her stand out quite a bit. Deceiding to ignore the small whispers of the people, Y/N quickly walked up to Tanjiro who was talking to a few villagers, all of them seeming content and grateful for him visiting them on such a snowy day. Many of them asked to buy coal as a thank for small things Tanjiro did for them such as fixing a mans broken door. A small smile made its way onto the Adeptus lips. He seemed to be a good kid. Just as Y/N reached the boy, a door behind them opened, revealing a man who had small trickles of blood flowing out of his mouth and nose and a seemingly angry woman behind him. Frowning a little, Y/N's hand went to her polearm as she saw the man approach Tanjiro, begging him to sniff a Plate. Y/N's Face morphed into a dumbstruck one. 

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