Choices [37]

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Y/n's eyelids flutter open, her vision is obscured by a blindfold but after rubbing her face against her shoulder a few times it came loose, falling down to her neck. Her body is sore and the ropes feel like their restricting blood circulation, making it hard for blood to flow throughout her entire body. Her headache is pounding and she feels dried blood on her head, her eyes are forced to adjust to the darkness off the room.

The atmosphere in the is very dark, from what she can see the ground is extremely worn-out. The walls have exposed water pipes attached to them, she also noticed the simple old wooden ladder. The lamp above her clearly does not produce light anymore and the sight off two steel bed frames and two new chairs make her stomach turn. She sees two random poles as well but she's more focused on the various tools to the far right of the room, which are: brooms, shovels, a big bike's wheel, another ladder, a radio, a few boxes, and some books sitting on a wooden shelf. There's also two long lamps, that don't work and a stool with a book on top and an antique coal boiler.

She can barely even wriggle in these ropes, that bound her tightly to this chair. That's right... That building, Ayato, Budo and the injection. From the looks of things, she's in a basement and the only light source in the room is from an old box shaped TV you'd have back in her father's time. It was showing her the court trial, what the hell did he do to Saki! Saki still hasn't shown up. She struggles in the ropes tight hold, she's forced to stare at the this screen and she can see Ayato and Horuda awaiting for Saki to arrive.

Y/n can feel her skin covered in a cold sweat, she felt even more nervous and scared than she already is. He's finally kidnapped her and now once this court case is over, he's going to dispose of the wannabe 'detective' for good. You know what? There's no time for her to be moping about in self hatred, now is the perfect chance to escape while she can see where he is on the TV. The question is how she's going to manage to pull this off...

She's broken away from her thoughts to the sound of gasps and a bunch of people shifting in their seats to face the now opened door. Y/n's mouth was wide open, tears streamed down her face, at least one thing in this miserable world is still with her, Saki. With burn marks? What did he do to her? "I'm sorry, Saki." Y/n whispers, knowing she may never see her best friend ever again. She can't give up.

Saki walks to her stand, in the court room, "Thank you for waiting." She begins, everyone in the room is focused on those burns covering her left arm, mainly. "This trial is now in session, this case is about the disappearance of Odayaka Amao and Y/n and the homicide of Sunobu Kizano, Dinkuri Beruma, Jonzu Frueddo, Rito Aso, Moimoro Kokoro and Rana Mido along with the manslaughter of Rito Oko and Haruka Kokona." The judge starts, looking at the defendant and plaintiff, "Do you Aishi Ayato, swear to say the truth and nothing but the truth?"

"I do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that the evidence I shall give shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth." He answers swiftly, looking straight ahead and not cracking under pressure like Saki is, who's already sweating and she hasn't even been asked anything yet. "Do you Miyu Saki, swear to say the truth and nothing but the truth?" The judge questions.

"I-I do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that the evidence I shall give shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth." Saki answers, she feels the ice breaking underneath her and she's so nervous, why couldn't Y/n be with her right now? "Could you briefly describe the incidents in a timeline, for the court?" The judge asks, staring Saki right into her eyes.

"Osano was the first incident-" Saki is cut off by the judge interrupting her.

"From my knowledge, the incident you are discussing now has not been acknowledged on your submission form. Therefore, it is overruled." The judge declared, Saki coughs to clear up the croaks in her throat and it feels so dry. She starts by saying, "Amao was Y/n's childhood friend and this happened around eight weeks ago, Ayato recently came to the cooking club, Amao was the leader. We where holding a bake sale at school yet incidences off food poisoning throughout the school happened once Ayato came-"

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