The Wall Between Us [11]

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Kokona opens her locker and sees Y/n, she goes to wave at her, when Ayato suddenly blocks Y/n's view and turns her around to walk the other way. Y/n looks up at him confused but continues walking with him.

Y/n has been trying all day, non-stop to talk to her and all of her plans have been foiled by him. He keeps telling her he needs help with homework, they need to do the project or he needs more information about Taeko and what she likes. Meanwhile, Kokona is starting to hate Ayato, he's trying to take away her best friend and she's sure he's the one setting those traps for her. This morning, he even set up a bucket of water, carefully placed on top of the slightly open door just so it would fall on her. She had to rush to get changed and she was even late for class.

Then, Musume and her friends popped up in front of her and started calling her a 'skank'. They are even asking if the rumours were true and asking if she was actually a slut. They laughed in her face and smiled at her when a student council member passed them, it all felt like a game where she had to overcome every challenge to get to Y/n.

But, when she was close something would stop her, she doesn't even know how he sets up these distractions so quick. She even got tripped by a tripwire in a doorway resulting in a graze on her knee.

She would just text Y/n but she swore she saw Ayato with her phone in hand and she's positive he's been deleting her messages. So, there Kokona was, sat on a bench on the rooftop sulking and thinking of how she was such a bad friend. Y/n is her friend not Ayato, was all that kindness there just to get to Y/n?! She can't even protect Y/n, like Y/n always would, shielding her from her sister's harsh words.

She wishes she was like her, she never breaks under pressure and she's such a fun person to be around. While, she's trustworthy and always ready to listen to her. Though, she has never been able to tell her that the rumours are true and that she does go on dates with older men for money.

She doesn't want her friends to think of her any differently.

Today, she has to tell Saki, for Y/n's sake. She stands up from the bench once she sees Saki, who looks like she's arose from the dead, and she immediately gives her a hug which she obliges to.

" Saki I need to talk to you... It's about um the rumours." Kokona spoke, nervously picking at her nails and the looking into Saki's eyes.

"Of course, Kokona, you can always talk to me." Saki smiles, and kokona breaths in, now noticing how tense she was.

"It's about the rumours...there true." Kokona said, turning away from Saki's ocean blue eyes, Saki waited for her to continue and after a deep breath, "B-but I don't go around sleeping with them, we just have dinner together and they pay me! My dad needs the money, he's in so much debt and owes the money to a shark loan agency. I have to do it! For him, and I think there is something off about Ayato. I-I saw him with Amao before he went missing and I haven't told the police because I'm scared! I'm a coward, I'm not like Y/n and I don't want to hurt her, telling her he's bad news, but I'm still hurting her by leaving her with him!" Kokona blurts out everything that's been on her mind and she intakes a huge amount of air and she scans Saki's face and notices the tears in her eyes.

A black pair of eyes watch and listen from a distance.

"I'm happy, that you trusted me enough to tell me , I'm so sorry that you have to deal with all this. It's okay, I understand you do it for your dad. We'll figure things out together." Saki replies, holding her pinky finger out to Kokona, it's a childish thing to do, it's something you'd do in middle school but she thinks Kokona wants to feel like she's a child again , when things were better for her.

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