Dazed Distress [26]

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Y/n stumbled into the police station, she had a pounding headache and felt overwhelmingly dizzy. The head police officer saw her Masayoshi Motarasu, he immediately sighed and dragged his hand down his face as she approached him, "Please officer, will you just hear me out?" Y/n pleads, she's being coming here everyday after school, at the same time.

"I understand, that times must be tough for you... Considering the death of your sister but you can not waste valuable police time. You are aware that what your doing is an offence, right?" He says, picking up his mug, full of fresh hot caffeine.

"Why won't anyone listen to me!?" Y/n says, and her head spins even more, she feels a migraine coming on. "I'm aware, that this must be frustrating but you need to consider the fact we have your sister's killer. She's most likely behind the rest of those murders anyways, I know you don't want to hear this but you should focus on your mental health and leave this stuff to us." Motarasu states, Y/n was growing more agitated by his word's, the more he spoke.

Ever since Musume's death and Y/n's father had sent her to doctor's where she was diagnosed with severe depression, after that everyone treated her differently.

She had never felt so alone.

Saki's parents had withdrawn her from the school and Y/n watched her getting into a car with her parents and driving off.

Frueddo came up to her saying, "I'm sorry, my parents don't want me... Hanging out with you, I'm also sorry for all the things people are saying in the photography club... Saying your a the second killer and stuff like that."

She just wanted to be seen, heard and she was slowly loosing everyone, she always has bandages wrapped around her knuckles. She really needs to stop punching things...

She feels so much weaker she joined the martial arts club, since she believed it would take her mind off things and help her with her depression.

Turns out she's got too much anger inside of her, she swung messily at a martial arts member but there was so much anger inside her heart that she managed to somehow land a punch. A crack was heard in the room, she thinks she accidentally broke someone's jaw.

Budo had a talk with her, about how she was always welcomed to practice self defense at his club but swinging with your emotions instead of your mind can get people hurt.

It seemed that, she always caused some kind off damage.

Splits in families and her own.

Her father had cried in front of her and her heart sunk, she knew the feeling, feeling so helpless knowing you can't do anything to stop it.

Whenever her father asks if he could cook something for her, she always said she didn't feel hungry, that's what she always said when someone asks.

"Then, let me talk to someone else then. Since this clearly isn't going anywhere." Y/n snaps, she barges past him and she spots that young officer ,who always interviews her whenever a murder happens.

She hates that she talks about murder so casually, like it's normal.

He was currently on his break, with a box of donuts in hand and he was scoffing them down as if they'd disappear any moment. "Want...One?" He speaks through chews of the sugary treat, Y/n shakes her head and he places the box down, on a near by round table.

Out of everyone in the police station, he has a strong hatred for the Aishi's as his father was apart of the case involving Ryoba Aishi. He was ridiculed, along with the entire force and it was a horrible time for his family. He sits down at the circular table, with his donut box in center, Y/n is on the opposite side.

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