You Complete Me [36]

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Here it is.

The day she'd leave Japan forever.

It all felt surreal yet bittersweet at the same time, more bitter than sweet since she believes she could off done much more for everyone she's lost. It also feels sweet as Japan will always be her home, the place where she's made friends and memories that will unfortunately last a life time whether bad or good.

She was unable to sleep last night and Megamo kindly offered to let her sleep in his bed while he used a futon. It didn't help her fall asleep. She retreated to the wooden chair that gave her a perfect view of the vegetation below and allowed her to bask in Japan's beauty before she left.

She always liked to take photos, that's what drew her to the Photography club in the first place, even though they weren't very serious about taking photos despite it being the clubs name. She still felt complete when she was there.

The feeling of being complete has always been a longing for her, maybe it was because of her home life. The absence of a mother, a father and a sister must of taken a toll on her. she always felt like something in her life was missing. So, she tried filling this hole inside of her heart, hobbies, new friends and photos she had of her friends and her so she could convince herself it was enough. Nothing was enough. Her life felt even more imbalanced and ruined when people she cared for were ripped away and it was out of her control.

She never felt so powerless in her entire life, no matter how hard she tried he was always a step ahead of her. She was fighting to demons at the same time him and herself. She persuaded herself that the blame was on her and therefore it was her mission to find this person.

Now, the fact this person might get away scout free leaves a sour taste in her mouth.

She still had puppet strings wrapped around her throat, every action she did didn't even feel like her own. The way his words weaved into her heart and she felt like he was someone she could trust but just like everyone else he pulls the mat from underneath her feet. She sighs, watching the sun rise above the horizon, seeming to be waving at her as it would be the last sunset in Japan she would ever see.

"Goodbye Japan." She mumbled, her heart dropped knowing the clock was ticking and soon she'd leave this place for good and she'd never see her friend Budo or Megamo again. She feels bad, not telling Budo she was leaving, she told him maybe they could work if he waited but she couldn't lead his heart onto a diving board knowing that the last thing she ever told him was a lie.

She heard the rustle of Megamo turning in his sleep and abruptly waking up afterwards, gd sat up straight in his silky blue yukata, rubbing his eyes and blinking as his eyes land on Y/n. Megamo stands up, etching closer to her and sitting on his knees by her side, looking up to her,"Your sad that you have to leave Japan, aren't you?" Megamo asks, Y/n looks away from the ombre of blue to orange and looking into his silver eyes.

"Yes, I am. I feel like I haven't done enough and I can't get justice for them. I've failed them." Y/n says truthfully, her eyes widen when Megamo stands up taking her hand in his with a stern look on his face, his eye brows furried in a rage. "Do not speak lowly of yourself, since this all out of your control. Giving up is helping you fall right into his hands, I can only apologize after seeing the way your father treated you and the fact that your going to be leaving soon." Megamo exclaimed, Y/n nods at his words and begins to get lost in thought, not hearing the rest of his words.

Their hands part, much to Megamo's dislike but he sees Y/n pacing around his room and she begins by saying, "Your right, I'll go to the police station try get someone to go to court on my behalf and if I have time I could say goodbye to Budo in person since I'm not going to school today..." She trails off and continues, "I know this is your room but let me change quickly so I can go, you can come with me if you want."

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